"While the government will continue to do everything possible to track down and apprehend agents of terrorism in the country, the president has directed that enhanced security measures be put in place immediately for health workers in high-risk areas, " the statement read.
Two stern-faced officers barged in, as if to apprehend a couple of criminals.
Police said they determined Mr. Merah's whereabouts Tuesday and moved to apprehend him in the early hours of Wednesday morning.
Ms. Basile asserted that the program was deceptive, because, while customers may have understood that payment of a fee was required, they did not apprehend that they actually received a loan, and they did not know the high rate of interest imposed.
Eventually, Jack Straw said if Labour were elected they would hold an inquiry into the failures of the justice system to apprehend Stephen's killers.
The government of Yemen has vowed to apprehend the militants behind an attack on the U.S. embassy in San'a earlier this month that left 17 people dead.
"When they did attempt to apprehend the applicant, at the home of an associate, the associate attempted to prevent police from gaining entry into the house where they found Mr Bryson in the converted roof-space bedroom, " the lawyer said.
"There is a real sense of urgency to move quickly to apprehend whoever is responsible for this serious assault, " he said.
But the Federation for American Immigration Reform said the interior stations are a needed "second line of defense" to track down and apprehend illegal immigrants who make it past international borders and into heavily traveled corridors in the United States.
Officers are then seen getting out to apprehend the suspects after which the recording picked up the dull thuds of the bullets being fired by one of the officers.
During "Fast and Furious, " agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives attempted to apprehend smugglers by allowing them to purchase guns with recorded serial numbers in Arizona and transport them toward the border with Mexico in hopes of intercepting them.
In the second of two conflicting versions of events, a unit of special forces was despatched to a vineyard outside Skopje to apprehend the group.
And without ground troops, it would be impossible to apprehend the terrorists effectively but as soon as these guys get any whiff of something happening they will hide away in the hills.
On Tuesday, the Inspectorate of Constabulary said that police forces had mishandled complaints and missed opportunities to apprehend Savile.