One such case involves Republican Jerry Lewis, the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.
"Revolutionizing takes some talents, many talents, " said Livingston, the 55-year-old chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.
The charge of the Appropriations Committee is to enact legislation related to discretionary spending.
Northup, who sits on the House Appropriations Committee, made a potentially serious misstep this summer.
Not the Appropriations Committees says Steve Ellis of the non-partisan watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense.
It cannot secure the necessary long-term funding through the annual congressional pork-laden appropriations process.
House Appropriations Committee Chairman Rep. David Obey, D-Wisconsin, said the Republican tactic meant they were panicked.
However, the chamber's appropriations committee has generally adhered to a voluntary practice of identifying them.
Except for a few years, over the past decades discretionary appropriations have gone up and up.
WSJ: Robert B. Zoellick: Obama's Historic Budget Opportunity
The conservation groups, though, are calling for an immediate halt to water appropriations on the Columbia.
All the measures could be reversed if Congress passes a military appropriations bill for 2013.
FORBES: Washington Budget Wars Poised To Devastate Military Communities
Thad Cochran of Mississippi, the top Republican on the Senate Appropriations Committee and its defense subcommittee.
And the irony is, we're prohibited, under laws and appropriations bills, from acquiring it, '' he said.
Would the agency even get this extra money in appropriations or be allowed to charge steeper fees?
Since 1989, he has been either chairman or the ranking Democrat on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense.
Yes, its chairman makes periodic appearances before Congress, but the Fed is not dependent on congressional appropriations.
Meanwhile, total appropriations (less one-time spikes for disaster relief) for the SBA have fallen by roughly 38%.
The surprise announcement actually came about five minutes into Rice's opening statement to the Senate Appropriations Committee.
And sooner or later Congress passes a new appropriations bill and the stalled programs start operating again.
FORBES: Hitting the Debt Ceiling is Much Worse Than a "Government Shutdown"
They act as expensive special interest pay-offs, hidden subsidies which avoid the scrutiny usually applied to appropriations.
FORBES: Raise Taxes To Clinton-Era Levels? How About Spend At Clinton-Era Levels?
As a matter of comity and tradition, these appropriations requests for the Legislative Branch are transmitted without change.
Congress simply will not vote down the defense appropriations bill just because there is a performance tax attached.
FORBES: The Dangers Of Letting Congress Solve The Performance Royalties Dispute
As chairman of the Subcommittee on Defense for the House Appropriations Committee, he has done it many times.
Byrd is chairman of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, which often dispenses federal money for rural water projects.
In the House, the Appropriations Committee Tuesday marked up its two corresponding bills.
CNN: Disaster Relief, Military Spending Bill Moves Forward In Senate
But biomedical industry lobbyists got Congress to withhold appropriations for the new rule.
David Obey of Wisconsin, the ranking Democrat on the Appropriations Committee, says lawmakers are getting nothing of the sort.
He's chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, he will offer an amendment today to a must-pass piece of legislation.
Ashcroft's planned appearance before appropriations committees of the House and Senate have not been re-scheduled, Justice Department officials said.
With advance appropriations, veterans' medical care will be funded a year in advance.