That meant notes about font selection, font size, leading, tracking, kerning and other such arcana.
Admittedly, most normal people are not plugged into the arcana of retirement investing.
The Tarot is a set of seventy-eight cards, composed of twenty-two cards referred to as the Major Arcana.
And their press releases are hopeless at translating the arcana of bank regulation into concepts that most can understand.
Before she gets immersed in the arcana of Capitol Hill, there are things she wants to do at home.
Wall Street arcana seem unlikely to pose much of a problem for her.
In the end, laws and institutions seem to make more difference to people's worldly chances than the arcana of theology.
Should you have the time and the willpower to school yourself in the arcana of insurance, you can navigate this thicket.
For those unused to the arcana of financial language this is the big document which each year attempts to describe the company.
Frey, a Wall Street veteran (most recently a principal in a private-equity group), is wickedly good at weaving financial arcana into his thrillers.
NGOs (staffed overwhelmingly with lawyers) have concentrated on training and providing information on the arcana of trade law to delegates from poor countries.
For example, learning the arcana of California disability law requires the same amount of time and expense for one employee as for one thousand.
But if it could eventually be industrialised, it would be a triumphant demonstration that even the weirdest scientific arcana can sometimes have practical applications.
Securing a conviction in a complex corporate accounting case is challenging as trials often get bogged down in complex financial arcana and can confuse a jury.
FORBES: Primary Prosecutors of Mortgage Fraud? Pension Funds And Plaintiffs' Lawyers
The technique exploits the arcana of quantum mechanics to let two computers swap a cryptographic key (and thus the means to decode a message) with perfect security.
It provides a great illustration into why Jobs is effective as a conceiver of computing devices, and the ways in which tech writers sometimes get netted in arcana.
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Qualcomm was ruled by "radio guys" like his dad, engineers steeped in the arcana of making airborne signals travel as far as possible using as little power as possible.
Finally is a little saying my con law professor at Yale had about judges who dive too deeply into arcana like school-funding ratios or statistical models purporting to show racial discrimination in capital punishments.
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When the full commission meets to decide what it will or will not propose in the defense arena, perhaps it should be content to simply identify budgetary targets for reductions rather than getting bogged down in the arcana of trading off warfighting strategies and capabilities.
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And he believes that the American people expect us to do it, that they don't -- I think to the extent that people are paying attention to the arcana here, the details of debt, deficit, and the different ways that we're going about this, what they want is for Washington to work.