But it is not just the arrival of a less ardent European as Germany's new leader that has put a spanner in the Franco-German motor.
But behind the smile there is also an ardent unionist with a sophisticated political brain.
She is an ardent advocate for a slimmer administration, with power devolved to units closer to residents.
Having one character narrate a story to an ardent and beautiful soul mate is a tame and cozy device, but what we see is fascinating.
Neil Armstrong was an ardent adventurer and a reluctant hero.
Dr Peter Maguire, deputy chairman of the BMA's Board of Science and an ardent campaigner for a ban on smoking in enclosed public places, said civil servants in Northern Ireland would now enjoy safer workplaces.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Doctors call for NI smoking ban
Dovzhenko depicts such ardent figures as a crazed monk who looms over the embattled forests, maidens at their riverside rite, and two grandsons on divergent paths (an ineffectual nationalist and a rationalist revolutionary) with a spontaneous sympathy for their diverse forms of zealotry.
As we have seen in previous investigations, sports memorabilia is inundated with a morally bankrupt cast of characters who prey on the emotions and vulnerabilities of ardent fans who yearn for a connection with their childhood heroes and icons.
FORBES: Buyer Beware: The Fragility Of The Sports Memorabilia Industry
The city is Detroit and the film, made by Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing (who is a native), is both an ardent love letter to past vitality and a grateful salute to those who remain in place.
You won't find a more ardent defender of stock options as pay for the rank and file than T.
There was, curiously enough, a large group of ardent Lewis supporters who had flown in from South Africa, and a very occasional cluster of Brits, but they were overwhelmingly outnumbered by Massa fans.
In Mr Izetbegovic, therefore, the western powers had their first experience of a dilemma that has since become commonplace: whether or not they should help create, and whether they could live with, a possibly ardent Muslim state.
The President wants -- is a strong and ardent believer in our capitalist system.
Still, the dapper lawmaker has a core of ardent supporters.
CNN: Rangel as resilient as Harlem-area district he represents
But Mr Hayworth's considerable flaws as a candidate did not diminish his supporters' enthusiasm, nor their ardent desire to see Mr McCain bought down a notch or two.
While we of course know that the Super Bowl will attract an enormous audience, we also feel a responsibility to our millions of ardent Downton Abbey fans who are caught up in the story and looking forward to a new episode on Sunday.
FORBES: Key Super Bowl Matchup: 'Downton Abbey' vs. the Game
Also, is there a chance that a complete overhaul can occur and the Dodgers become ardent disciples of statistical analyses and hire someone similar to Bill James as a senior advisor?
FORBES: Dodgers' Path To A New Owner Begins With Character And Integrity
For ardent believers, arms control is a superstition, impervious to evidence of its futility.
But it is led by a popular prime minister, Kjell Magne Bondevik, a Lutheran priest and ardent football fan.
He has put this ardent attention at the center of a beautifully told and emotionally satisfying story for children and their movie-loving parents.
President Chavez is an ardent promoter of the concept of a South American oil company, which could include the state-owned companies of Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia.
Perhaps Mr Kim, an ardent family man, does not want a family successor.
He snorted at the way that one ardent young campaigner, when informed of a fact or two, argued equally ardently in the opposite direction.
And there is a book that even his most ardent fans haven't read yet.
The work bespeaks a subtle eye, a sober mind, and an ardent heart.
When he tired of Modernism in the 1950s, he led the charge into Post-Modernism, embracing every novelty and exploring its most transient and trendy aspects, a move that took his most ardent supporters and converts to Modernism by surprise.
WSJ: Philip Johnson: Short of Attention Span, Long on Aesthetics
The Pardus-Abbadessas, the Fenskes and the other waiting families have an ardent well-wisher in Ann Bates, a 41-year-old pediatric transport nurse from Bernville, Pennsylvania, who was one of the nine members of the Kyrgyz 65 able to complete her adoption last summer.
But if the UCITA eventually is passed by state legislatures, becoming law, the American software industry will ship worse software than today, according to one of the most ardent opponents of UCITA, Cem Kaner, a lawyer and IT professional, based in Santa Clara, California.
All but the most ardent of tech pundits have abandoned the idea that a mythical "iPhone killer" will emerge from Apple's bevy of competitors.
Last night Obama delivered a speech that even many of his ardent supporters said it felt like the last 4 SOTU speeches Obama had given.
FORBES: The Entertainment And Culture Divide- The Failure of Marco Rubio's GOP Response to SOTU