Sales of top brands such as Gallo's Turning Leaf and Orlando Wyndham's Jacob's Creek are growing by 20% a year in Britain.
The effect is already showing: Sephora's like-for-like sales are growing by 11% a year, compared with around 3.5% for cosmetics sales in department stores.
More than 11 million "undocumented" people now reside in the U.S., and their numbers are growing by some 700, 000 a year.
If a stock fails that test but its revenues are growing by at least 30% a year, it passes, however, since that is still a very strong revenue growth rate.
More than 30 billion rupee notes are in circulation, a total growing by 11% a year.
We USMNT fans are also spoiled by those echoes growing fainter by the year of that glorious 2002 quarterfinal run by the our boys in the World Cup which, in the end, was really nothing more than a bunch of mature and young players coming together at exactly the right time, a fortuitous draw and a few lucky bounces.
Racecourse attendances are growing, by 6.6% to 6.15m last year.
With global demand for oil growing by 1-2% a year, there are persistent fears of a supply shock.
Real wages, which had been growing by over 10% a year for a decade, are falling.
In fact, there was plenty, although all the usual caveats apply: AOL is still losing share of the ad market to fast-growing Facebook and Google, and year-over-year comparisons are skewed by the acquisition of the Huffington Post in February 2011.
FORBES: Is AOL Retreating on Its Patch Profitability Promise?
Solar installations grew 37% in the U.S. last year and are likely to keep growing at a hefty clip, spurred by a combination of high fossil fuel prices and a 30% federal investment tax credit.
These chipsets are slated to be released for sampling by vendors next year and will nicely complement its growing portfolio of quad-core Snapdragons for the low-end smartphones.
Growing exports and robust domestic demand are expected to boost Poland's economic output this year by at least 4%, a rate that far outstrips the EU average.
WSJ: European Disunion: Euro's Allure Dims in Eastern Europe
In China, worries are growing about weakening export demand (growth in export volumes has fallen by almost half over the past year to 11%) and falling property prices, which seem to play a role similar to equity prices elsewhere.
ECONOMIST: Emerging countries are not the havens some people thought
Older surfers are the most rapidly growing segment of net users, with their numbers swelling by more than 40% in the past year.