They are still in the possession of a former employee of the Anne Frank Foundation, who says they were given to him by Anne's father.
They are now in the possession of an Israeli Bedouin, but the government of Jordan has claimed ownership, saying they came to light on Jordanian soil a few years ago.
While Obama has spoken of his hope of agreeing with Russia on a reduction in the number of nuclear warheads, we are nowhere near to seeing an end to nuclear weapons, which are currently in the possession of the U.S., Russia, China, India, the United Kingdom, France, Pakistan and Israel.
Relativism does tell us, however, that we are mistaken when we think we are in possession of the one true morality.
The board's technical experts are in possession of the battery that caught fire and are effectively performing an autopsy on its charred insides in a search for clues to what caused the conflagration.
Another legal strategy to complicate matters could be to split the passphrase with another person and claim that you are never in possession of the entire real passphrase.
"There have always been specific provisions under UK law, from long before the first day of the internet, that said if you are in possession of information that identifies a wrong-doer then you can be ordered to hand it over, " said Mr Lockett.
That may help to explain why highly professional, educated people that were not known before to police are being caught in possession of the material.
Today, the picture above is the only thing you'll see if you go to,, or, as the ICANN domain registration for the four are now in the ICE's possession, presumably on suspicion of piracy.
ENGADGET: US government seizes domain names, claims to have a warrant
On May 13, the district attorney's office replied saying they "are not in possession, custody or control of any document responsive" to the request.
Even though the United States took possession of New Orleans from the French in 1803, there are times when you will imagine yourself in Europe.
"People who have received commercial meal kits are asked to inspect the kits in their possession and immediately dispose of any peanut butter packets, " it said.
But since the collapse of the Soviet Union the Russians have acknowledged that thousands of works of art taken from Germany are in their possession.
We made a lot of unforced errors when we were in possession, which you would expect to come out of our game the longer we are together.
The Dutch, who are now unbeaten in 21 matches, started like a team full of quiet confidence as they kept possession well and used the width of Dirk Kuyt on the right and Rafael van der Vaart on the left.