Archigram's witty and iconoclastic proposals included "Walking Cities" that moved, armadillo-like, with insouciance and self-sufficiency.
Researchers analyzed the genomes of leprosy-causing bacteria collected from seven patients and one armadillo.
The Armadillo World Headquarters made its acquaintance with Willy Nelson one fateful August night in 1972.
John Carmack, the videogame programmer and cofounder of id Software, has a rocketry startup called Armadillo Aerospace.
The Armadillo, a National Guard armoury converted into a dance hall, quickly became an unlikely magnet for musical geniuses.
COLUMBIA, South Carolina (CNN) -- Next time you're in Columbia, South Carolina, I recommend the Deathburger at John Paul's Armadillo Oil Company.
His so-called "armadillo eggs" have become a hit at his catering jobs.
However, he adds, the chance that the humans with the armadillo-specific strain were infected by some other means is about 1 in 10, 000.
Legendary videogame designer John Carmack --creator of games like Doom and Quake, and founder of id Software --owns rocket-technology startup Armadillo Aerospace .
The armadillo population in the U.S. has been estimated at 30 to 50 million, and studies suggest that, in some places, up to 15 percent have leprosy.
He urges his patients not to touch, handle, or eat the animals, and to steer clear of souvenirs made from armadillo carcasses, which are popular in Texas.
Armadillo Aerospace announced that they have a license to lauch their STIG B-1 rocket on August 25 or 26, 2012 at the SpacePort American in New Mexico.
Also in Texas, id Software founder John Carmack--the man who brought the world the Doom gaming franchise--has taught himself rocket science and is pushing his own space venture, Armadillo Aerospace.
For now the infected animals are concentrated in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Alabama, but the armadillo population appears to be spreading north and east and could bring leprosy with it.
Armadillo came close to winning the X Prize Foundation's Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander Challenge last year by flying an alcohol-fueled rocket 150 feet in the air to a landing pad 300 feet away.
Ms. RACHEL WALTON (Owner, Bohemian Armadillo Guesthouse): Hi.
In the weeks following Hurricane Katrina we spoke with Rachel Walton who, along with her husband, Eric, own the Bohemian Armadillo Guesthouse, a bed and breakfast two blocks from the French Quarter in New Orleans.
We're also happy to see that several of our favorite solar houses from the show made it to the top ranks, including Germany's elegant IKAROS house, the ultra-efficient Armadillo Box, and Finland's beautiful wooden Luukku house.
ENGADGET: Inhabitat's Week in Green: a US team wins the Solar Decathlon!