The EU also tightened its arms embargo and targeted three companies including Syria's flagship airline.
At Moscow's insistence, a voluntary arms embargo on Syria was also cut from the draft.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown also called for an arms embargo on Zimbabwe.
The U.S. House of Representatives votes to lift the arms embargo against Bosnia.
The enforcement of the arms embargo that the U.N. has mandated is being actively discussed.
Embargoes: The United States is honoring an arms embargo against Bosnia that contravenes the U.N.
Such discussions come on the heels of the European Union's decision to end its Syrian arms embargo.
Britain, he said, would be using any changes in the EU arms embargo on Syria to the full.
Our allies and partners are enforcing the no fly zone over Libya and the arms embargo at sea.
Britain opposed French attempts to get the EU to lead a naval force to enforce the arms embargo.
In February, the bloc amended the arms embargo to allow for non-lethal equipment and medicine to protect Syrian civilians.
An EU foreign ministers' meeting said an arms embargo would stay in place.
It imposes a complete arms embargo on Libya and mechanisms to enforce it.
And remember what the mission is: Clearly defined, enforce the no-fly zone, enforce the arms embargo, and protect civilians.
Our most effective alliance, NATO, has taken command of the enforcement of the arms embargo and the no-fly zone.
Does the U.N. arms embargo restrict the United States from sending arms to the Libyan rebels in the east?
Security Council imposed further sanctions, an arms embargo, and the specter of international accountability for Qaddafi and those around him.
In April, the EU formally agreed to suspend most sanctions against Burma for a year but retain its arms embargo.
Meanwhile, the UK has said it may bypass an EU arms embargo to Syria in order to supply weapons to the rebels.
The UN's Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, Valerie Amos, sounded a note of caution on the prospect of ending the arms embargo.
The U.S. and Europe are pushing for an arms embargo and financial sanctions on the Assad regime as part of the resolution.
It also points out that there is no arms embargo against Morocco.
Mr Miliband said there already was an EU arms embargo in place.
To these Mr Cook this week added an arms embargo on Zimbabwe.
We have, working through the United Nations, instituted an arms embargo.
The European Union has imposed an arms embargo and has also, along with the United States, stopped giving visas to Guineans close to the regime.
The defense ministers there agreed also to move ahead with operational planning for humanitarian relief, and also for more active enforcement of the arms embargo.
Russia is already complaining loudly about supposed western breaches of the arms embargo, in the form of military aid to the ethnic-Albanian guerrillas of Kosovo.
Mullah Baradar, like other Taliban leaders, is subject to UN Security Council sanctions, which include the freezing of assets, a travel ban and an arms embargo.
Mr Khatib's resignation comes a day after European Union foreign ministers failed to resolve their differences over whether to exempt Syrian rebels from an arms embargo.