Only this respected former army general could have successfully cut such a durable deal.
One is the report by Army General David Petraeus, our senior commander in Iraq.
His grandfather, a former U.S. Army general, opened the first West Coast firm in 1958.
The top U.S. military commander in the Middle East, Army General John Abizaid, plans to retire early next year.
An army general even joined the board of Maharishi International University, set up in Fairfield in 1974.
And I asked a retired Army General, Michael Nardotti, who was the Army's top lawyer, about this issue.
Retired army general Otto Perez Molina is in the lead, with some 37%, according to results so far.
BBC: Guatemala set for run-off vote amid concerns over crime
In 1997 an army general named as Mexico's top anti-drug official was found to be working for the traffickers.
Ms. SAAD-GHORAYEB: Michel Suleiman as the army general has been very low profile and he's not a public figure.
Mr Mordechai, like Mr Barak a former army general, has been forced to take leave while the police investigate.
But as a former army general, he would be entitled to be interrogated in the privacy of his own home.
Meanwhile, head of the Army General Sir David Richards warned once again that Britain could not afford to fail in Afghanistan.
The court convicted an army general and a major with Kpatcha Gnassingbe.
McCaffrey, who resigned Thursday as a four-star Army general, added that the term "war on drugs" is inadequate to describe his new responsibility.
CNN: U.S. says 6 countries not cooperating in war against drugs
Nkunda, a Tutsi and former Congolese army general, has repeatedly blamed the Congolese government for not protecting Tutsis from Rwandan Hutus in Congo.
CNN: U.N.: Gunmen kill woman while trying to rape girl at camp
Zeevi was a retired army general who fought in Israel's 1948 war of independence, the 1956 Sinai campaign, and the 1967 Mideast war.
He found a two-star Army general from JSOC headquarters seated at a conference table with Brian, James, Mark, and several analysts from the C.
O'Donnell had met Petraeus several years earlier at a Wounded Warriors event when the four-star Army general was commanding American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
At the time, there could not have been any better messenger than Powell: a well-respected Republican, a former secretary of state and an army general.
Retired Army General Stanley McChrystal said the US began the war with a "frighteningly simplistic" view and still lacked the knowledge to achieve a successful end.
And the fact that we have an investigation by a two-star Army general into how this was reported tells you that there's a serious problem there.
The last Latin American on the list is Venezuela Army General Jose Eliecer Pinto Gutierrez, top commander in Amazonas state, overseeing security on the Venezuela-Colombia border.
FORBES: A Wealthy Mexican And Latin Americans On The Leaked List of Individuals With Money Offshore
After Binyamin Netanyahu's right-wing coalition came to power in 1996, the new Israeli prime minister bowed to pressure to include the former army general in his cabinet.
Ahmed Shafiq, an army general, former Aviation Minister, and appointed as Prime Minister by Mubarak for a month in 2011, is named interim president for another transitional period.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Egypt: Radicalizing the Political Bargain Part II
Mr Cameron also confirmed that former head of the Army General Sir Richard Dannatt would become a Tory defence adviser and may serve in a future Tory government.
The author of that letter, also written to Senator McCain, is retired Army General John Vessey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff more than 20 years ago.
Although he declined calls to run for President in 1996 and 2000, the retired four-star Army general has remained very much in the public eye since leaving public office.
Army General Keith Alexander, commander of U.S. Cyber Command and director of the National Security Agency, was explaining why cloud computing is secure enough for the Department of Defense (DOD).
FORBES: Cloud is Secure Enough for the Pentagon. Why Not You?
Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina, a retired army general, has ordered his nation's army to join the fight against the trafficking gangs but also called for the possible decriminalisation of drugs.
James "Spider" Marks is a retired U.S. Army general.
CNN: How will leaked photos impact U.S. mission in Afghanistan?