In 2000, former Army Chief of Staff General Eric Shinseki first proposed the FCS project in an attempt to make the Army more deployable, networked, jointly synchronized and survivable.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Army and its Future Combat Systems in Jeopardy
Yugoslavia's chief of army staff, General Dragoljub Ojdanic, has accused the federal government and its prime minister, Momir Bulatovic, a Milosevic loyalist who comes from Montenegro, of leaving the army penniless.
The new army chief of staff, General Ashfaq Kayani, was chosen by Musharraf and the two men are very close.
The retiring army chief of staff, General Hartono, who is close to Tutut, was made minister of information, perhaps a preparation for greater things.
On 24 November 1998, Mr Milosevic appointed Mr Ojdanic as his army's chief of general staff, after sacking Momcilo Perisic over disagreements regarding the policy towards Kosovo.
He rose through the ranks to become a brigadier general and the army's chief of staff in 1970 during the military regime of President General Carlos Manuel Arana Osorio.
His starting point is General George Marshall, the Army chief of staff during the Second World War, who culled underperforming generals and promoted the better ones, constructing a ruthlessly efficient fighting force.
Our guests are General Jack Keane, former Army vice chief of staff.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) -- A Pakistani army helicopter crashed Wednesday in the country's tribal region, killing a senior general and seven members of his staff -- including two other generals -- an army spokesman told CNN.
This makes a recent speech by General Hilmi Ozkok, the army's chief of staff, interesting and, in some respects, troubling.
Our guests are General Jack Keane, a former Army vice chief of staff, and he was in Iraq during the U.S. invasion.
The author of that letter, also written to Senator McCain, is retired Army General John Vessey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff more than 20 years ago.
Today we're talking with General Jack Keane, a retired lieutenant general, former vice chief of staff of the Army.
General Nash, you mentioned General Schoomaker, the chief of staff of the Army, who quite dramatically testified before Congress that his force was in deep trouble.
Mr. NASH: Well General Schoomaker, the chief of staff of the Army, estimated the other day, before a panel examining this question, that he could recruit an additional 6, 000 or so, maybe 7, 000 a year.
The most recent victim of this purge is General Momcilo Perisic, dismissed as the Yugoslav army's chief of staff.
Lieutenant General JACK KEANE (Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Army): It's great to be back, thank you.
In June, 2010, President Hamid Karzai removed General Bismillah Khan Mohammadi from his post as chief of staff of the Afghan Army, and transferred him to the Ministry of Interior.
The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, was also talking to the Egyptian army chief, Lieutenant General Sami Enan, who had been at the Pentagon only in late January for discussions about combined training.
ECONOMIST: Military-to-military relationships: The ties that bind | The
Robert Charles, chief of staff and general counsel to the House National Security Committee, wrote Cohen last July after the Army refused to grant a burial site for his father, Roland W. Charles Jr.
CNN: AllPolitics - Cohen Intervened To Allow Arlington Burial