But neither are the shows purely abstract: a clown act is always just around the bend.
Meanwhile, the 2008 election is under way, with the Iowa caucuses just around the bend.
"Having gone around the bend the car went out of control, " he told the inquest.
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But that was the one thing that really sent them around the bend.
The Fish and Wildlife officers passed the buses and -- thinking the Nissan was just around the bend -- kept driving.
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"I like saying things that drive people around the bend, " said Mr. Buiter over lunch recently at Citigroup's downtown New York offices.
"We know that somewhere around the bend, a stranger has a cup of water, around the bend, somebody is there to boost our spirits, " he said.
They say that the Fed sees housing rolling over, the banks taking another round of body blows and the next Lehman-like meltdown somewhere around the bend.
My experience has been that investors lose more in terms of opportunity costs than actual losses because they become convinced a market pullback is around the bend.
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So far, the Chinese have opted for French at the high end and Australian and Chilean at more popular prices, with Argentina coming around the bend.
As befits a twenty-first century home, it has WiFi, allowing you to adjust the Nest's settings online or via an iOS device (an Android app is just around the bend, the company says).
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To boot, Sony Ericsson's Xperia Play is just around the bend, and if Amazon's able to launch its own app store, why not push out a game-centric one from a name that people already know and trust?
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"Around the Bend" has been featured in an ipod touch commercial, a few tracks were on an episode of the CW show Gossip Girl, and the band's first gig was opening for Amy Winehous at Copenhagen's largest music venue.
Instead walk to the Line K entrance, wait for an empty car to slowly inch around the terminus bend and step on.
Some of these features will merely assist the driver by, for example, pointing out a patch of black ice around the next bend.
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Every time the trees rustled in the breeze, my ears pricked up at an auditory illusion of a rushing river just around the next bend.
As the car wound around a tight bend, the Mexican police officer who gave me a ride pointed off towards the rugged green mountains just ahead.
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Just around a bend, the Basel rowing club is preparing for an evening on the water.
If someone comes around this bend in the road, one of us is going to have to do some fancy reversing for some distance.
Given the testing conditions at the West Sussex course (several horses had already come a cropper around the famously tight right-hand bend), this was never going to be a procession on the scale of the 11-length drubbing Frankel handed out at Royal Ascot back in June.
As one lawyer once said by all means go around, bend and twist the rules....but never break them.
As we sat down for a rest around the halfway point, perching on smooth rocks and looking out at a big bend in the Firth, Manny told me about how his mother was one of the key leaders in establishing the land claim agreement that created the park.
He said that the marine was riding around a left-hand bend when he collided with a stationary camper van and suffered injuries which led to his death.
Her legs had gone rubbery, and the bus back to the city was in the other direction, but Mandy hiked on around a bend of firs.
The surge of interest in Notre Dame merchandise is not only being experienced in and around South Bend, Indiana.
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There are colourfully decorated rickshaws around every bend, tea shops on every block and kids playing cricket wherever they eek out the space.
The advantage of such a novel waveguide over more conventional ones is that it can bend light around sharp corners.
Sometimes a yellowish light laminated a bend in the tunnel wall, and the Minotaur was sure the new girl was hiding just around the corner.