Around since 1946, Mensa members have arrayed themselves in a wide range of Special Interest Groups.
There it was: a dozen or so simple white tents neatly arrayed on a sloping flat.
Of the 12 or 14 executives arrayed on the platform, there was not a single woman.
The decorating borders on the monastic, with a judicious selection of clean-lined wood furnishings arrayed like sculptures.
These atomise water with a stream of air, using tiny nozzles arrayed around a huge fan blade.
Look again at the technological forces about to be arrayed against tax collection.
And arrayed in between is always a continuum of young adult personality types, united by narcissism and fake bravado.
Walk into a specialist bourbon bar and you will see scores, perhaps hundreds, of brands arrayed behind the counter.
In 1999, The Magnetic Fields arrayed 69 songs about love over three CDs, a once-in-a-lifetime opus Merritt will never match.
Four buttons arrayed in a circle bring up the command menu, play and pause songs, and shift forward and back.
The driver controls are logically arrayed and give the sense that you - and not the car - are in charge.
One of the new female council members, Thuraya al-Arrayed, told the BBC it could help reshape opinions of women among Saudis.
BBC: Saudi Arabia king swears in first women on Shura Council
It is built from a series of SX-70 prints that Mr. Hockney arrayed in a square mosaic (seven across and seven down).
WSJ: The Polaroid SX-70 as Sexy Tech | Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center | By Richard B. Woodward
Another has perfectly arrayed pores 3 nanometers across, a mesh so fine it is used to filter individual amino acids in the DNA sequencing process.
The unrest highlighted the fact that Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's three-year-old administration is under siege and the forces arrayed against her are becoming increasingly strident.
Arrayed behind Mr Blair, he believes, are dark forces determined not only to neuter the Lords but to demolish families like his in their ancestral lairs.
Processors, often with multiple cores, are arrayed by the hundreds of thousands in data centers run by the likes of Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, among others.
Arrayed on a wood table were contemporary samples of traditional Flemish leather wall coverings, much like what I had just seen at the nearby Plantin-Moretus Museum.
Arrayed against the establishment is a fraternity of Lyme specialists, many of whom have built large practices treating ostensible Lyme patients with expensive courses of antibiotics.
An orphaned command will not be able to stand up against the daddy commands arrayed against it with decades of history and layers of bureaucracy on their side.
At the opening bell, people start streaming in, heading straight for one of 400 public computers, most of them arrayed in rows in a vast, impersonal space called the Mixing Chamber.
WSJ: The Library's Future Is Not an Open Book | By Julie V. Iovine | Public Library Renovation
When in 1883 Mrs Cornelius Vanderbilt, arrayed for a fancy-dress ball as Electric Light, topped off her satin and diamonds with a large incandescent bulb, it subtracted nothing from the elegance of the scheme.
Felsen, his dealer, wasn't sure how collectors would react when he splayed blankets across her gallery floor and arrayed tattered animals around them in formal groupings, like they were attending a picnic without people.
Arrayed against the interventionists were many high-ranking military officers and the America First movement, whose anti-Semitic strains came to the surface in a Lindbergh speech that left him discredited among many Americans who once glorified him.
There, arrayed in front of him, chasing that city softball, laughing at each other, tearing up their shoes on the tar, were the boys who were personages in his life -- apart from his family, it was almost everybody who mattered.
It includes a whopping 40 4cm speakers arrayed within, with a further two 11cm woofers, delivering what Yamaha calls 2.5.1 channel sound -- though it looks as if it can power two additional speakers at the sides if you want something a little closer to 7.1.
ENGADGET: Yamaha combines receivers with subwoofers and soundbars for trio of HTIB offerings