Furthermore, she says, dog hair has a certain cachet as a raw material for art.
WSJ: Knitting and Weaving Artisans Embrace 'Chiengora' Yarn From Dog Hair
South African Ndebele art uses beads as an essential material for the adornment of aprons, clothing and textiles.
Mr Quinn, with the help of the Wellcome Foundation, turned the material into a work of art.
"My wife is not a material person, but with art, if she likes something, she really likes it, " he says, grinning.
Even these fine volumes, though, are overshadowed by the collection's 20th-century material, in particular the art books that grew out of Mr Gillet's friendship with Jean Hugues, a bookseller and gallery owner from Provence who knew many of the Surrealist poets and painters, and who opened a bookshop in the rue Jacob in Paris in 1952.
He saw these drawings as documentary and reference material, not as works of art.
Art-works have much more symbolic value than material value.
Besides material support, which is obviously essential, art and culture can also help Haitians heal from and overcome the trauma they have suffered.
On Tuesday, the rare material will finally be released on "Bill Evans Live at Art D'Lugoff's Top of the Gate" (Resonance) a two-CD set that rivals Evans's revered Village Vanguard recordings for Riverside in June '61.
The real winners of the global economy have turned out to be not the creative types or the data junkies, but the material boys: countries, states and companies that have perfected the art of physical production in agriculture, energy and, remarkably, manufacturing.
FORBES: The Real Winners Of The Global Economy: The Material Boys
The title of his first exhibition devoted to this material, "Statuary in Wood by African Savages: The Root of Modern Art" (1914) captures both the innovation and the contradictions of this debut.
The material, which was loaded on a schooner sailing vessel, will be sculpted into a piece of art called Nowhere Island.