No team can lose a 20-game winner and move forward as if nothing happened.
Then they very calmly walked out of the alleyway as if nothing happened.
However, once they are back at work wearing a suit on Monday, it is as if nothing had happened.
But Lifeway continues to tout ProBugs' digestive benefits as if nothing has happened.
So you went on to get married and have children and a normal life, just as if nothing ever happened.
It's almost as if nothing has happened innovation-wise between 1969 when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon and Tuesday's speech.
The government had clearly gambled that Obuchi would be well enough to go back to work on Monday as if nothing had happened.
Miraculously, by the time we came out of the video and I had to speak again, it was as if nothing had happened.
CNN: Robin Meade talks anxiety and her road to self-confidence
He played the gig in Italy as if nothing had happened, came back, steeled his resolve and took up his fight on his own terms.
If the Court upholds the Florida Supreme Court ruling and permits the recount figures, the vice president and his team just head back to work as if nothing has happened.
An urgent call, as despite numerous announcements and pledges to behave more ethically, most banks and large corporations are back to paying bonuses as if nothing has happened in the last two years.
The prof has built a team of students who win fortunes in blackjack during weekend trips to Las Vegas and then resume life on campus as if nothing had happened, and his new recruit becomes the star player.
"Some families and some lives have come back together quickly and well, and some people are up and running almost as if nothing ever happened, and for them it's been fine, " New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said at a news conference Thursday.
And it would have been unthinkable to rebuild Ground Zero as a purely commercial site, as if nothing at all had happened there.