New York spends more than twice as much per capita as the national average.
If they don't get as much as Gerald Corbett, how much should they get?
Access, for instance, is as much about thinking differently as it is spending money.
The two imagined including a crop-forecasting tool to provide as much clarity as possible.
In this sense, India, China, Dubai and Mexico may be not imitators as much as harbingers.
The author acknowledged as much in the 1950s in a little-known letter to his son, Michael.
Now, six years later, where I am today surprises me as much as anyone else.
As much as anything, lucky timing helped push the big players to link up with
So it's not really helping them against the fraud as much as they might like.
Remember: Your Rolodex may belong as much to your employer as it does to you.
By that he means he keeps his blast furnace and rolling mills running as much as possible.
Wireless carriers subsidize the the cost of the v3 by as much as 100% to lure subscribers.
You can either try to dance to it or try to escape it as much as possible.
In a given year, as much as 70% of Regal-Beloits capital budget may go toward used equipment.
As much as I am convinced that Blu-ray will win, much of this is based on promises.
Often copied but never bettered, Blinde Kuh is as much an assault on the senses as the palate.
When feelings run high, an ill-judged letter can cause as much emotional damage as any dashed-off online posting.
After all, cycling, like anything else in Paris, is as much a style-statement as a means of transport.
These kit-level experiments are harmless, hobbies pursued as much for educational purposes as for ingenuity.
It's always best to save as much as possible in a tax-advantaged investing vehicle.
Screeners and officials of intelligence agencies need as much information as possible to make decisions.
Nicolas Sarkozy opposed the Iraq war as much as President Chirac's handling of the diplomacy.
The auction house said the collection went for twice as much as the original estimate.
BBC: Gina Lollobrigida jewellery raises $5m at Geneva auction
Many companies spend as much or more on stock buybacks on the open market.
Business is very profitable, but it has learned to get by without as much labor.
His tattoo studio is as much a shrine to the spirit as a tattoo parlor.
Nadal hasn't been able to practice as much as he likes because of the rain.
If the warming continues, it said, seas may rise by as much as a metre.
This is just as much a recovery as if incomes for working people were increasing.
Peter and Suzanne McKnespiey said it was hurting business by as much as 50%.
BBC: Cookie's Crab Shop trade 'being harmed' in parking spat