As Neil Armstrong would say one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
Many Americans see Mormonism as a cult: in polls over the years a steady one in four say they would be less likely to vote for a Mormon as president.
Ms. HILLMAN: Well, on the common sense , if would be left up to the poll worker to decide is this four-year-old child with a campaign t-shirt would be violating the issue and one with hope that what Doug referred to as common sense would prevail to say this child isn't saying anything, this child isn't campaigning.
So on one hand you have a brand, Ace, selling shovels, etc. to people who clearly need them and as such would me more willing than to buy one than say during a sunny day.
And one of those players Matt Nightingale explained, as David Coleman would say, what happened next.
One, I would say we see this campaign as the American people do, as a choice between the candidates.
But obviously we think, as I said and I'll say one more time, it would not be good for the economy.
As the X-Files Agent Mulder would say, trust no one.
FORBES: Creepster of the Week: Webcam Hijacker Gets Six-Year Sentence
"In some ways I would say she is as close to him as his children" said one.
But in his public life, Kennedy was the kind of politician who seems absent from modern politics, one who was loyal to an ideological outlook -- an ethos, as Sobchak would say -- and who devoted his career toward fighting for that cause.
In a survey that should come as a surprise to no one, 95 percent of people polled in Southern California say they would prefer to charge their electric vehicle at home, according to the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).
You'd expect him to say as much: As an NBA owner, O'Neal would be one of his bosses.
Analysts say any merger would have to be one of equals, in reality as well as on paper unlike Dresdner's disastrous fling with Deutsche, which amounted to a thinly veiled takeover by the bigger rival.
Mr. SCHWARTZ: We do try to refine it, but I would say that we try to be consistent, as well, so that from one year to the next, you can rely on the categories that you're comparing.
But should we, as a matter of policy, and moral decency, learn to think and comprehend that our actions in one part of the world could very well come back to hurt us, or, as Paul would say, blow back in our face?
"Some would say he is almost as close to Rebekah as he is to his children" said one of their colleagues.
My mother loves to ballroom dance, and one time she asked me what I would say if she quit her job to pursue ballroom dance as a career.
When the service was over, he got in his vehicle and he drove back, never attempting to be noticed, never seeking that to know, as my deceased wife used to say, the real measure of generosity is would you do it and no one ever knew you did it.
"Most Americans don't see full-body scanners as a health risk, and more than seven in 10 say they would be unconcerned if asked to go through one at an airport, " Holland said.
Whatever one thinks about marriage between people of the same sex, surely a man running as a business-friendly candidate would say whether he favors boycotts of privately owned businesses on the basis of the beliefs of their shareholders?