Even five molecules linked together pentamers, as they are called form a ring-like figure with no depth.
During 2000, Mr Greenspan invested in safe US government bonds, or Treasury securities as they are called.
But these are the first images of planets outside the Solar System, or exoplanets as they are called.
Conservatorships (and guardianships, as they are called in most states), are among the most drastic court proceedings around.
FORBES: When Will Britney Spears Be Free Of Conservatorship?
Another moment she is making them super-hero pyjamas within matching duvet covers, or doonas as they are called in these parts.
The election commission chairman announced late Tuesday that those spoiled ballots, as they are called here, will count in the overall vote total.
Your programme showed both sides and NEET's as they are called on benefit should be asked to give their choice of job whether, retail, factory, office etc.
Orientalist paintings, as they are called, refer to 19th century images of the Orient, an area roughly corresponding to the present-day Middle East, North Africa and Turkey.
These "haigui, " or sea turtles as they are called in China, hit the employment sweet spot with "both the cultural connection and the language skills, " according to Lance.
Now, the couple sitting across from my husband and I at another artfully worn wooden table are playing dominoes, in what can only be described as an ironic manner, given no locals have played dominoes since the invention of fruit machines (slot machines as they are called in the US, also known as one armed bandits).
Here in England, husbands or partners as they are often called, take part in ante-natals too.
So my recommendation is to find a Web-based or cloud-based, as they are now called, charting system that is free.
Nanophase materials, as they are sometimes called, will often display novel properties because of the very precise way in which their component particles have been arranged or shaped.
BBC: Millions of Bangladeshis are forced to drink unsafe water
The first practical application of embryonic stem cells was to provide a way for the gene-targeting trick invented by Dr Capecchi and Dr Smithies to be used to produce adult mice lacking particular genes or knockout mice, as they are now called.
The establishment of consortia - or clinical commissioning groups as they are now being called - is already happening.
Intriguingly though, their spectacular antlers remained as huge: "You would especially expect the antlers to get smaller as they are so-called luxury organs - they should be the first thing to go, " said Dr Lister.
Looks such as these are often called "editorial" because they are created to catch the eyes of fashion editors.
WSJ: In Milan, Lavish Looks Flaunt All That Glitters (and Slithers)
So SAPs, or special access programs, as they're called, are the Defense Department's most sensitive programs.
This constituency out there, the FredHeads - as they enjoy being called - are fantastically energetic and the key is whether those excited people out on the Web can be turned into votes.
And the way they are categorized means that those are called mandatory spending cuts as opposed to discretionary spending cuts.
WHITEHOUSE: White House Press Briefing: President Obama on Budget Negotiations | The White House
The US Marines have ships standing by in the Red Sea in case they are called upon to help as well.
People assessed as unfit to work and they are placed in what is called the Support Group.
The TEDsters (as they also call themselves--while first-timers are called virgins--but please, nobody say "cult, " we're staying positive here) hope to turn into clear-eyed optimists, and possibly even the proprietors of large and profitable businesses.
She is a moving force behind IRS plans announced earlier this year requiring all tax preparers to register with the agency and, unless they are licensed as lawyers, accountants or trained tax specialists called enrolled agents, be tested and take continuing education.
They are called flexi-fuel vehicles, because as well as petrol they can run on bioethanol.
State schools are not funded to offer them, as they are not officially accredited, but Schools Minister Lord Adonis has called for a debate.
Yet as they grumble about being called locusts, traditional private-equity funds are quietly making similar accusations about the growing role being played in corporate Germany by hedge funds, such as Paulson.
ECONOMIST: American investors fight each other over Celanese
Mr Jarnefelt's specialist area - German government bonds - is among the most stable in the market because, along with those issued by the US (called Treasury bonds), they are seen as among the lowest risk in the world.
If, to paraphrase Carl von Clausewitz, diplomacy is war by other means, then just as armies are called upon to concentrate their efforts and resources where they can do the most good for their cause, so governments must utilize their diplomatic resources - whether plentiful or scarce - to advance their most important national interests.