She talks about this at some length in her telephone conversations with Linda Tripp.
Finance ministers talked about these issues, but we, too, talked about this at some length.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Chancellor Merkel Press Conference
"When he feels like it was a bad meeting, he'll let you know at some length, " Rhodes said.
On BP, which we discussed at some length, I completely understand the anger that exists right across America.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron at the White House | The White House
McNamara said Nodianos, 18, has been interviewed by detectives "at some length" and is not the subject of an investigation.
CNN: Teen in Ohio video 'ashamed and embarrassed,' lawyer says
The book explores at some length the implications of this claim for the transition economies of Eastern Europe and, especially, for the former Soviet Union.
Bahamian Prime Minister Perry Christie spoke discursively and at some length.
The participants discussed at some length proposals that have been surfaced recently (notably by Congressman Les Aspin) that would alter this agreed position in the START Treaty.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Roundtable Discussion On The B-2 Bomber
Sir Mervyn King discussed this at some length in his latest speech, which, in turn, was a response to one given last year by Mr Carney.
BBC: Davos 2013: A 'sigh of relief' at the World Economic Forum
When the President spoke at some length about the situation in Libya on Friday, he singled out a number of population centers, and the first two were Benghazi and Misurata.
And the bond purchases he reluctantly sanctioned in 2010 and 2011 were a lot more half-hearted than the programme of "outright monetary transactions" described, at some length, by Mr Draghi, today.
She wants her clients to write at some length about why they are interested in the company, what they admire about its strategy, how the particular department has handled a challenge, and about the person with whom they hope to meet.
FORBES: The Other Kind Of Job Interview You Have To Know About
Even international self-promotion comes naturally to the ambitious Mr Klimin, who loves rubbing shoulders with the glitterati of the fashion world (indeed, at the first opportunity, he whips out a corporate video which, at some length, shows him doing just that).
In fact, Salnoske, leveraging his skills as an expert in diagnosing problems to identify that the company needed someone who would oversee a broader variety of divisions of the company to get to the root cause of an issue that had been labeled as an operations problem, as he explains at some length herein.
FORBES: CIO-plus Series: Interview with Karl Salnoske, the EVP of Service Delivery and CIO of GXS
Number one is we do fewer stories so that we can do some of them at greater length, so we have a slightly slower tempo.
Some parents have expressed concern at the length of the vacancy.
Occasionally, after a train had passed, Fyodorov would discover some object on the track and try at length to fathom its significance.
These he transferred in light pencil onto large sheets of Arches 300-pound hot-press paper, some of them as much as six feet in length, at which point Zega set to work painting the reconstructed edifices in intense watercolor hues, taking as long as a month on each.
So after a few introductory remarks by me, I'm going to ask him to make a few introductory remarks, and then we're going to release him and ask Senator Thompson to come up and speak to us, at whatever length he cares to, and then he has graciously agreed to take some questions from our distinguished company.
As some readers may know, I've studied people's attitudes about the American Dream at length.
FORBES: Fewer people in the U.S. believe they will ever achieve it.