The first thing Wiens could smell was lasagna at the hospital, which smelled "delicious, " he said.
Family and friends held vigil at the hospital Thursday as life-support machines kept Akeal alive.
Mrs Hale died at the hospital on 19 November, four days after eating the mushrooms.
Lane was raised by her grandmother after her mother left her at the hospital.
Many of the women during McNamara's period at the hospital muddled through when discharged.
The patient, however, caught an infection at the hospital and died a few days later.
They were given this tremendous overdose of heparin at the hospital because of a labeling mix-up.
You are diagnosed with cancer, and register at the hospital for your upcoming surgery.
It was also at the hospital where he found out his daughter was alive.
CNN: In runners' tent and ER, a rush to save limbs -- and lives
It was only at the hospital Bautista found out she was two months pregnant.
The board added that it " should not be all or nothing" at the hospital.
BBC: Stafford Hospital acute services 'essential' says Trust
The disaster drew large numbers of visitors, both at the epicenter and at the hospital.
All of us at the hospital have been left with an overwhelming sense of sadness.
WSJ: Emily Loving Aaronson: On the Front-Lines of Battlefield Triage in Boston
On Monday a "phased resumption" of heart surgery at the hospital, beginning on Wednesday, was announced.
"It was extremely uplifting for them, " said Dr. David King, a trauma surgeon at the hospital.
Police are reviewing a number of cases at the hospital between June and July 2011.
Emergency room physician Dr. Charles Deng was the first to see Kadish at the hospital.
Managers at the hospital, says the report, failed to prevent Professor van Velzen's "worst excesses".
Less than 5% of patients arrive at the hospital in time to use it.
The winter vomiting outbreak at the hospital has affected almost 100 patients in recent weeks.
Officials commissioned studies that linked Majors to 130 out of 147 deaths at the hospital.
The chief minister spends the evening at the hospital bringing comfort to victims of the blast.
His attorneys consistently fought court rulings that Loughner continue his treatment at the hospital.
It said three people had acquired the disease while at the hospital in 2011.
He wasn't at the hospital for the boy's delivery, and missed most of his childhood.
Another unannounced inspection found required standards in maternity services at the hospital were now being met.
All supplies of the chemical substance at the hospital has been seized and will be examined.
Daniel was back home just hours afterwards and will be regularly monitored at the hospital.
Like if you had a heart attack, how quickly would you be treated at the hospital?
Her family are at the hospital, and we are doing everything possible to support them.