Others marvel at the shopping center itself, a five-level riot of curving glass in steel arches that looks like a greenhouse designed by fantasist M.
And at the shopping center in Boston, many more people we spoke with supported the idea of the government pushing the industry to restructure loans for people in danger of foreclosure.
On Monday at the North Hill shopping center, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper showed up and served up some pancakes and handshakes.
The incident occurred at the Hacienda Crossings shopping center.
Jan KM Sarens, 59, died from a gunshot wound to the chest at a shopping center in Acapulco before dawn Saturday, prosecutors say.
Continue south down the paths of Central Park, past the sunbather-filled 15 acres of Sheep Meadow, to Columbus Circle, where you can do a bit of window-shopping at the Time Warner Center, which has upscale shops of every stripe as well an enormous Whole Foods Market on the lower level.
The first ATM was recently placed at a Mumbai shopping center.
FORBES: Luxury ATM Dispenses Diamond Jewelry, Gold, Silver and Religious Jewelry
The pilot Reimagine unit will be unveiled at a shopping center in Arlington, Texas, on Nov. 30 with plans for other units to be placed in Kroger-anchored shopping centers around the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
San Francisco (CNN) -- Dozens of people, many tapping on iPhones and discussing the "Steve Jobs" biography, lined up at a shopping center here on Thursday.
To show me how a Cheesecake Factory works, he took me into the kitchen of his busiest restaurant, at Prudential Center, a shopping and convention hub.
At a shopping center in Mount Juliet, large sheets of metal littered the parking lot and light poles were knocked down.
At the same time, the Giants have been looking at developing an arena or performing-arts center, residences, offices and shopping areas on a parking lot and pier adjacent to the ballpark.
Retailers are also using daily deal services like Groupon for all they are worth, and that includes the malls. (Recently spotted on LivingSocial, a Black Friday VIP shopping trip for two at a local shopping center that included parking).
FORBES: How Wal-Mart Will Save Christmas. Just Not This Year.