Growing up in Brooklyn, he dreamed of being Shackleton at the South Pole or Darwin on board the Beagle.
Dr Carlstrom and his colleagues propose building an eight-metre-diameter radio telescope at the South Pole to search for such cold spots.
Last October, the U.S. Air Force rescued an American researcher who had suffered a suspected stroke while working at the South Pole.
CNN: Rescue plane leaves Antarctica after picking up patient
Based on Palinkas' studies at the South Pole, the most stable individuals and those with the most stable relationships are middle-aged married couples.
CNN: 501 days in space with your spouse: Could you handle it?
It has also been tried (albeit that the water in question was frozen) by putting detectors down a hole at the South Pole.
And when the Cold War started, the Soviets said they were going to set up a base at the South Pole, so the U.S. rushed there first.
He experienced firsthand the impact of humanity on the environment when under the hole in the ozone layer at the South Pole, the harsh ultraviolet rays from the sun burned his skin and permanently changed the color of his eyes.
Scientists may not be able to explain the "boiler" at the south pole but they are already talking up the possibility that conditions there could allow for liquid water below the surface - with all the implications that might have.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Saturn moon delights and baffles
In 1999, a then-47-year-old U.S. physician found a lump in her breast while stationed at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Research Station.
CNN: Rescue plane leaves Antarctica after picking up patient
They used a grid displaying all possible hues rolled into a globe, with black at the north pole and white at the south.
Tackling the real North Pole is estimated to take at least four times as long as the magnetic pole, which, at present, is considerably further south.
And, at a few spots around the moon's south pole, the reflections did indeed look like the sorts of echoes that would come from ice.
The plane was flying from the South Pole to an Italian base at Terra Nova Bay, Maritime New Zealand said.
CNN: 3 believed dead after plane wreckage found in Antarctica
At the age of 29 he embarked on an expedition to the South Pole that was unsupported -- a trek that required him to pull his own sleigh and that lacked medical support crews.
His plan requires the probe to be accelerated, using its remaining fuel, and then steered at a shallow angle into one of the permanently shadowed regions near the south lunar pole.
The Twin Otter aircraft was flying from the South Pole to an Italian Antarctic base when its emergency beacon was activated at 10:00 GMT on Wednesday.
The surface of this snow-white moon is riven with cracks - dubbed tiger stripes - at its south pole.
Miami Marlins closer Heath Bell is also a Solowheel devotee and has taken it for rides along South Beach, even using it for his foul-pole-to-foul pole training runs at the ballpark.