• To date, the iPad is a category killer at the very beginning of its product cycle.

    FORBES: Apple: Steve Jobs Departure Will Prove Visionary

  • The idea is to bring the Russians in at the very beginning of discussions on certain issues.

    CNN: Robertson, Powell

  • Most bacteria live in a symbiotic balance with people, starting at the very beginning of our lives.

    FORBES: Our Germs, Ourselves

  • Children need to make a lot of noise at the very beginning of this whole process, Stuber said.

    CNN: Safety expert offers tips to avoid abduction

  • My fellow Americans, as I've said at the very beginning of this debate, both President Bush and I love this country very much.

    CNN: Transcript: Bush, Kerry closing statements

  • My fellow Americans, as I said at the very beginning of this debate, both President Bush and I love this country very much.

    NPR: Transcript of Presidential Debate

  • The company plans to announce another manufacturing plant in the U.S. "We are just at the very beginning of what we can do, " he beams.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "Having a game and then having a fortnight until your next game right at the very beginning of the campaign is not desirable, " said Blair.

    BBC: SPL agree Scotland fixture change

  • He surprised me by saying that what Europe needs to save it today is what saved the United States at the very beginning of the nation: Alexander Hamilton.

    FORBES: Spanish Expert: What Europe Needs Now Is Alexander Hamilton

  • And he carried everything, as you know, from the Chinese investigation at the very beginning of his career, to the Homeland Security Department, the last thing we did.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Cowper died at the very beginning of the 19th century.

    ECONOMIST: English letters

  • More troops, more economic aid, more job creation on the ground, these are all things that might have made a difference at the very beginning of the Iraq war.

    NPR: Week in Washington: Change and Strategy

  • First, they point out that there has already been a substantial withdrawal of troops from Northern Ireland troop levels are at their lowest since 1970, at the very beginning of the Troubles.

    ECONOMIST: Listening mode in Ulster | The

  • Obviously we continue to work with allies and nations throughout the world about the steps that will be needed to close Guantanamo Bay as the President promised to do at the very beginning of his administration.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • All of this produced the handsome, morose man we encounter at the very beginning of "Batman Begins, " when Bruce Wayne, wandering the mountains of Asia in search of wisdom, is approached and temporarily seduced by a vigilante group called the League of Shadows.

    WSJ: Holy Melancholy, 'Batman'!

  • "At the very beginning of my Pontificate, I wish to assure you that the Church remains firmly committed, in her catechesis and in every aspect of her life, to implementing this decisive teaching, " he told the 25 delegates led by an American rabbi, Israel Singer.

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | Pope vows to improve Jewish ties

  • And we wanted to make sure that we weren't ramping up too fast and too far in terms of stimulus dollars, but at the same time to make sure that children at the very beginning of their educational experience were going to have access to those kinds of programs.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • As I mentioned at the very beginning, some of that is up in flux.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • "Right at the very beginning, some of the hippies turned up, " Mr Eavis said.

    BBC: Glastonbury tickets are 90% sold

  • "We're basically at the very beginning in Sark of looking at singing up to any sort of agreement, " she said.

    BBC: Sark politician calls for better protection of species

  • But I appreciated Fred's smart-alec humor and cynicism, but I didn't really quite understand at the very beginning the depth of commitment and principal that Fred Thompson, in fact, possesses, and that's what I really want to talk about here.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Secondarily, I would say that the President, at the beginning of this process rather than -- well, at the beginning of this process put forward, very explicitly and in great detail, his ideas, his proposal for dealing with our deficit and debt challenges in the medium and long term.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The path of a monopole would have a distinctive pattern lots of damage at the beginning of its journey and very little towards the end of it.

    ECONOMIST: Magnetic monopoles: Absence of evidence | The

  • "At the beginning of this very Congress, some wanted to put poor children in orphanages, " the president said, taking a dig at House Speaker Newt Gingrich, even as he was announcing his agreement to the welfare reform.

    CNN: D.C. Brigadoon -- Applaud It While It Lasts!

  • The President, at the beginning of the process, put forward very clearly his proposal, publicly did it in hopes that the committee takes it up.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And the first scene does suggest that we're starting at the very beginning: In a primordial swamp of sorts, brightly costumed frogmen bounce around and swing on a mound-shaped structure.

    WSJ: Culture City: An Opera Vet Tries to Raise The Circus

  • In that constant failure to arrive implied at the very beginning lies the possibility of a permanently fresh start, an old newness, a way of revitalizing ourselves and our civilization in ways few foresaw and one day many will forget.

    NPR: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

  • And I think that will be a very big positive proposals for the families who earn reasonably well but not very well, have had to find at the beginning of their child's university education, about a thousand for fees (pounds) and also to contribute something up to a thousand for their maintenance.

    BBC: Breakfast with Frost

  • The Rockefeller Foundation set out on this path at the very beginning, by focusing on field and capacity building to ensure the quality of the first few social impact bonds, engaging the capital markets and traditional investors, and as investors ourselves.

    FORBES: Social Innovation in Acceleration: Building the Social Impact Bond Ecosystem

  • "We know it has been a longer journey back than we anticipated at the beginning of the week under very challenging circumstances, " Carnival President and CEO Gary Cahill said.

    NPR: Carnival Cancels 12 More Cruises On Troubled Ship

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