It's a reminder that great and good can be very different qualities, doled out in different amounts at different times, sometimes within the same person.
But I also saw how it tore at her at times, how sometimes when she was with the girls she was worrying about work, and when she was at work she was worrying about the girls.
WHITEHOUSE: Creating the White House Council on Women & Girls
Progress comes at different times, and sometimes when it is least expected.
He also is a widely admired innovator and at times liked to operate independently, sometimes preferring to hold meetings away from Google headquarters, say several people who have met with him.
This value-assessment exercise is sometimes official and at other times informal.
The people who took part were sometimes smartly dressed and at other times scruffy.
He said his sister was "sometimes nice" but at other times "nasty".
These suggestions sometimes overwhelm me and at other times inspire me to accomplish more, such as when I helped with the New York City Veterans Day parade.
"Michael has one flaw in my view that there is hardly a weekend that he hasn't been off the road at one time or another and sometimes several times because he stretches the elastic a tad too far, " said the 67-year-old Scot.
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He played Patton as a larger than life character, sometimes out of control, at other times coolly calculating.
BBC: News | Obituaries | George C Scott: The man who refused an Oscar
They've all already gone at least twice, and sometimes three and four times.
Sometimes raw and demanding and at other times smooth and suggestive, Lindberg's vocals provides ammunition for the band's feisty, retro-tinged pop songs.
While slow and steady may sometimes win the race, at other times we need to condition ourselves to get more done in less time than we ever imagined possible.
And police officers are - you know, at least most of the ones that I'm familiar with, well-trained officers, are used to getting some abuse from the public and sometimes in unexpected quarters or at inappropriate times and are trained to not rise to the bait.
We have corresponded ever since, at least monthly, more often weekly, sometimes several times a day.
In one three-month period she was brought home by the police 58 times and sometimes went missing for two weeks at a time.
Until recently the Iranians had played hard to get, sometimes sounding keen to talk but at other times saying brusquely that they saw no point.
ECONOMIST: No one knows if the latest talks will lead anywhere
We want to make it as easy as possible to reach out to them, so sometimes we keep ourselves logged into Facebook at all times.
On August 1 a trading system malfunctioned at Knight resulting in erroneous orders sometimes multiplying trades 1, 000 times and flooding the market with orders.
FORBES: Here's Why Goldman Sachs May Have Helped Knight Capital
Jordan's King Abdullah has sometimes let Brotherhood members sit in cabinet and at other times moved against them, occasionally by squashing the vital social and charitable activities on which much of their popularity rests.
It noted they could be moved a number of times during their stay in the hospital, sometimes late at night, suggesting the needs of the service were being put before the needs of the patient.
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We updated our products many times every year, with better functionality oftentimes at the same price, and sometimes at a lower price.
Alpha-gal's reactions vary on a case-by-case basis, sometimes with a patient experiencing a severe reaction and other times nothing at all.
Luke Hemming, who works at the marina, said he had seen the seal several times over the day, sometimes even with a fish in its mouth.
In a broad sweep, she ranges from the sometimes vicious territorial disputes between rival lemur troops (described with excitement and, at times, sentimental anthropomorphism), to the history of the mica mines and sisal plantations that drove the island's economy after the second world war.
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Sometimes, we discuss serious topics like our cultures and national news, and at other times, we just have a good laugh.
He admits that he and Ozzie sometimes marvel at their good fortune when they talk on the phone or during the three to four times a year they see each other.
At other times, as in the U.S. in the 1970s, there is insufficient political will for the sometimes-painful step of monetary contraction.