Even though most of its young workforce is unpaid, the can-do attitude is catching.
And the relaxed attitude of the Lao people in general should help mitigate development greed.
How much of this is sort of attitude and not really understanding what the situation is?
Traditionally, Druze men are proud of their military service, but there are signs that this attitude is changing.
The family has seen a change in attitude since Wojdan began her Olympic journey.
In the meantime, Allison continues to inspire people on social media with her positive attitude.
It's that unstoppable attitude that has been the most inspirational to witness, her mother said.
We need more of that attitude from both Democrats and Republicans in our nation's capital.
CNN: Transcript of Gov. Jindal's GOP response to Obama speech
This bull-headed attitude is causing these suppliers to take the whole market down with them.
Our swim team community here at Southampton provides a wonderful example of that attitude.
They had time on their hands and a certain anti-corporate attitude, amplified by their surprise unemployment.
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That's the attitude Chapman hopes Iowa State fans will use to justify the price.
But a lacking mental capacity or poor attitude might impede their progress towards maximization of potential.
The result of this is a philosophy and attitude of working to solve problems.
The final challenge that Netsuite faces is changing the attitude of its prospective clients.
The grandiose Barack Obama was the personification of that attitude, if not a caricature of it.
We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends.
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Following the script, Democrats quizzed him on his attitude towards abortion and civil rights.
In Africa, it's very much about gesture and attitude, and also the use of color.
Both her shooting style and her attitude to competition impressed the Great Britain Team Management.
This attitude has helped the smartphone market stay young, but it could have limitations.
But sooner or later, as we grow up in the business, this attitude changes.
It symbolizes allegiance to the Raiders, and to the outlaw attitude that the team represents.
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And for that reason his attitude toward the rest of the Golden Hearts was somewhat haughty.
"It changed my attitude a little, " Kessy said after the match, her hair dripping wet.
And I think they are as battle-tested as anybody with great attitude and great intellect.
But the public response, and that of more liberal-minded Chinese newspapers, prompted a change of attitude.
Faced with that attitude, those who would lead opt instead to stay home and make donations.
They should have a positive attitude, high energy, and want to learn new things.
That what-me-worry attitude doesn't sit well with advertisers fed up with the networks' incessantly rising prices.