Both her shooting style and her attitude to competition impressed the Great Britain Team Management.
And is the lack of them symptomatic of a wider corporate attitude to the commuter?
But is that true, or is good cheer simply an easier attitude to handle?
However Conservative Educations Spokesperson Angela Burns attacked the government on their attitude to the education system.
"All governments should have a favourable attitude to the euro, " Mr Pique had told reporters.
But T-mobile has now taken on a more strident tone in its attitude to new masts.
"They were remarkably polite, self-disciplined and calm and had a good attitude to learning, " she said.
It's not hard to convince Australians that our attitude to the U.S. is reverential.
Yet America's attitude to execution is a good deal more nuanced than most outsiders think.
That would upset Turkey's American allies, who distrust his attitude to the West and to Israel.
Some analysts believe that is the best attitude to adopt before buying any IT stock.
The other big difference between Europe and America lies in their attitude to bosses.
Another is for a wiser attitude to the process of decay and the fact of death.
His loving retrieval of Lincoln's spectacles and clippings also typified his attitude to history.
Interns who picked up the quarter were thought to have the right attitude to work for Sequoia.
It reveals Lawrence's enlightened attitude to gender issues, and his acuteness in detecting and exposing sexist attitudes.
Whatever the usefulness of the models, the debate may make reinsurers' attitude to catastrophe risk less reactive.
But the most distinctive difference between the parties lies in their attitude to the European single currency.
Indian cookbooks also assume an attitude to ingredients that was lost long ago in Europe and America.
That is part of a trend, which has been encouraged by Labour's indulgent attitude to religious education.
Brand, 35, says bringing Arthur up to date involved some adjustments, including addressing "the changing attitude to alcoholism".
Inzamam has already spoken out in favour of Whatmore, who would bring a no-nonsense attitude to the job.
The blockade conditioned not just Israel's attitude to negotiation with the new authorities in Gaza but also Egypt's.
Zucker needs to find the new inspiration for CNN and help all adjust their attitude to realize it.
The CEO said the company needed to shift its attitude to that of a "challenger" in the smartphone market.
What matters is that women develop their own expertise but also have an open attitude to working with others.
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Margaret Hodge, who chairs the committee, described this record as "abysmal" but welcomed HMRC's changing attitude to customer service.
But he said he had decided to step down to avoid public "misunderstanding" over his own attitude to gays.
The children of women who marry outside do not count as Parsis, despite an otherwise progressive attitude to women.
ECONOMIST: The travails of a small but amazingly successful community
It's time for the U.S. to reconsider its casual attitude to monetary manipulation.