Senator DODD: (Unintelligible) I'm going to ask the audience, we'll have to clear this room.
After the speech, the president took questions from an audience that contained many foreign policy experts.
The age profile of the audience was far more mixed than I had expected.
"Certainly the most natural for me is performing in front of an audience, " he says.
We're also taking questions from the audience here in Studio 4A, and there's somebody there now.
This article is for a global audience, and has focused mainly on international policy.
Shows hinge entirely on audience suggestions, and each turn can run 40 minutes or longer.
But even these do not reveal how the audience climbed to the upper galleries.
But cartographers with a more international audience, like Google, have to be particularly sensitive.
But the Native American campaign to stop Serra's canonization never gained an audience in Rome, Miranda said.
But the more albums she's sold, the more she's pushed that artsy aesthetic on a popular audience.
But is the champagne network, long known for its silver-coiffed audience, ready for this kind of daring?
Audience members can wander where they like and talk to cast members in order to garner clues.
Clinton, who in recent times has publicly campaigned against anti-gay legislation, called on the audience to "fight bullying".
He just sat there, motionless, peering out at the audience and the flashbulbs through mirrored sunglasses.
Since the deal is not exclusive, Audience is free to pair up with other operators.
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Santos says that is changing now that Audience has a consumer brand called earSmart.
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If their audience grows by virtue of what we're doing, then their advertising revenue will grow.
Creating a consistent brand that resonates with a particular audience has become more important than ever.
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You gotta give it to him, he gave the audience one heck of a performance.
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The important thing to do is to run through the middle and WIN THE AUDIENCE regardless.
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For the talent, Taylor talked about connecting dancers with their audience, beyond a single show.
He's one person who uses a free media platform to reach a large audience.
Raheen, reminded the audience that Afghanistan's first newspaper, Shams-ul-Nahar, was established in Kabul 137 years ago.
An in-the- moment speaker is constantly tracking the eyes and body language of individual audience members.
The record PPV audience of almost 2.5 million was for Mayweather-Oscar de La Hoya in 2007.
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The three-hour opening ceremony had an estimated global television audience of one billion people.
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Whatever sector he's in, he will be the actor and not the audience, he says.
Aimed, despite its girth, at a general audience, the book deserves one in every way.
Make your point and make it fast before you lose your face-time with your audience.
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