The show is the culminating event and the campaign as a whole receives large audience ratings.
The power of the audience ratings will influence the quality of product referencing in distribution and could even reverse the balance of power between brands and retail.
Audience ratings thereby become the new barometer of success.
When the Blackhawks beat the Vancouver Canucks in the sixth game of their last playoff series, the game was seen on cable TV by 273, 000 households, the Blackhawks' highest cable audience ratings ever.
When the deal was first announced in late 2009, NBC's audience ratings were sagging badly, raising doubts about the future of the broadcast pioneer that once boasted stars such as Johnny Carson, Jerry Seinfeld, Bob Hope, Milton Berle and Tom Brokaw.
He pointed out that audience approval ratings had been high - remaining above "eight out of 10" across all four days of coverage.
Her good humour and empathy with her audience brought huge ratings for Surprise Surprise as well as Blind Date.
TiVo also continues to weave itself into the fabric of the media industry by providing interactive advertising solutions and audience research and measurement ratings services to the television industry.
TiVo also continues to weave itself into the fabric of the media industry by providing interactive advertising solutions and audience research and measurement ratings services to the television industry
ENGADGET: AOL HD connected TV app is now AOL On for Samsung, Roku and Sony; TiVo coming soon
NBC, a broadcast network owned by General Electric, finally agreed to give its audience the full range of content ratings that the rest of the industry uses.
There's already an on-screen logo counting down the days to the start on E4, which will be streaming live coverage of goings-on in the Big Brother house from 2130-2245 each evening, and again through the night - and whose ratings and share of audience rise dramatically whenever Big Brother is on.
They look instead at the ratings and reviews received by the audience.
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If the TV industry was struggling (and we all know it is), this network wasn't about to let on -- if ever there were a way to distract an audience otherwise focused on fleeing viewers and commercial ratings, this was it.
The ratings system in the US for TV audience numbers has not kept up with technology.
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Rather than mere Nielsen ratings figures, the show's audience "became faces and people and lives, " added James.
Nielsen, the same outfit that rates TV shows, is already creating a ratings system to accurately count the Internet audience.
Who's Your Daddy, the first episode of which was shown on 3 January, pulled in a disappointing audience of 6.3 million, according to the Nielsen ratings system.
Eleven million people out of the global TV audience of 146 million were in the UK, giving Channel 4 its highest ratings for a decade.
Since Viacom closed the deal in January, BET has added 2.5 million new subscribers, and ratings are up 23% over a year ago among its core audience of 18-to-34-year-old blacks.
Yet when looking at the ratings, "Idol" changes over the years seemed to help offset audience erosion.
CNN: Fox explains 'X Factor' shakeup, defends 'Idol' ratings
Nielsen ratings for Super Bowl 2010 make it the most-watched American TV show in history, with an audience of 106.5 million viewers.
Thanks to ratings juggernaut American Idol and the much-watched Super Bowl, the network's prime-time audience is up 8% from the same period last year, according to Nielsen Media Research.
Kerger described the ratings as "a beautiful thing", but added that it would be interesting to see how the audience responds to the show as it continues its run.
ABC's decision to shift Mr. Kimmel came as his ratings had been on the rise, while the two veterans of late night broadcast television had been suffering audience declines.
WSJ: Jimmy Kimmel Ratings Beat David Letterman, but not Jay Leno
In its monthly report on web activity, the ratings firm Comscore revealed that Pinterest was the third fastest growing site in the United States, with its audience rising from 7.5 million unique visitors in December to 11.7 million in January.