That the manga was avidly read by members of the Self-Defense Forces only reinforced that impression.
What the reporter didn't know was how avidly the sisters, generally speaking, disliked his gender.
Caterpillar dealerships are still avidly sought and often remain in a family for generations.
Although I almost always disagree with economists like Paul Krugman and Martin Wolf, I avidly read them.
Venice stood at the crossroads of east and west, Asia and Europe, and it avidly cashed in on its location.
Avidly following national and local news is a key part of how they remain engaged and active.
Like the political parties, they have an eye on the forthcoming elections and are avidly courting public favour.
In his spare time, Amit writes, cross fits and reads avidly, with particular interest in history and philosophy.
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To plaintiff attorneys, the most avidly anticipated part of the settlement was the evidence of wrongdoing accompanying regulators' findings.
He was restless for information, soaked it up avidly and put it across to listeners with clarity and enthusiasm.
During Yates' trial, prosecutors solicited testimony that Yates avidly watched the show, suggesting she could have copied the idea.
CNN: Andrea Yates case: Witness at heart of appeal explains error
Few Spaniards think him much fun: a workaholic who follows football avidly and bullfighting a bit, but no swinger.
Not very surprisingly, in many countries the best edible mushrooms are avidly pursued.
That's how I learned to read, and I've collected them very, very avidly since I was about 12 years old.
Although Germans do not consume film or music as avidly as Britons or Americans, they are far more committed to buying it.
ECONOMIST: By moving slowly, the German media market stays ahead
Fortunately Chiron, Sanofi-Aventis and others are avidly pursuing new, more flexible incubation techniques that will replace chicken eggs with vats of animal or human cells.
Her Skype account, which she avidly used, went silent a day later.
Future work in this field will be read avidly in those circles.
And yes, I know I am too, before you jump in to point avidly at the plank you've spotted in my own eye.
And parties of the centre-left, like Britain's Labour Party, which once banked on trade unions, court corporate money as avidly as any right-wing party.
While many seniors may shun technology, some take to it avidly.
By night and on weekends he gave himself to science, avidly pursuing sound wave experiments with Wood that led ultimately to the development of sonogram technology.
They did not own a piano, but his father had a gramophone and a collection of classical music records to which the young Davis would listen avidly.
So less than a week after Saddam Hussein surrendered to American troops from his hole-in-the-ground hideaway, the world is avidly discussing the fate of Iraq's former dictator.
Ironically, Ted Turner, who founded CNN, a cable news network, and avidly pushed consolidation of the film and TV industries, is now one of the loudest protesters.
New technology, avidly sought today, could well spur any number of alternative energy sources: oil sands, oil shale, natural gas converted to liquid, coal converted to liquid, etc.
Both innocent and guilty people will avidly deny their guilt.
CNN: Can Kobe Bryant be convicted on 'he said/she said' evidence alone?
Yet, the former are so avidly pursuing Mideast wealth that few seem prepared to engage in even the most superficial due diligence about the implications of Shariah finance.
The two most prominent Western artists, Frederic Remington and Charles Marion Russell, were late-19th-century narrative painters whose romanticized pictures of cowboys and Indians were avidly reproduced in leading magazines.
As the wider implications of the dispute for both countries become more apparent and the winter cold sets in, viewers on both sides of the fence will be watching avidly.