That equates to nine million tonnes of avoidable excess fuel and more than 28 million tonnes of CO2.
Bourdais was penalized during the race for avoidable contact, but the damage was done.
The National Joint Utilities Group's Les Guest welcomed the consultation but said charges must be avoidable.
For now, infrared, Wi-Fi and an ancient invention called wire make Bluetooth an avoidable ache.
But until stability returns to the travel industry, online search agency stocks are avoidable destinations.
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This is why problems persist, and this is how patients are exposed to avoidable harm.
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Combat will be turn-based and tactical and, for the true rogues out there, totally avoidable.
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That line of thinking ignores the fact that many types of failure are predictable and avoidable.
The journey is to benefit Seeing is Believing, a charity which tackles avoidable blindness.
"In the very best systems across the world there will always be avoidable deaths, " he added.
It was as avoidable as filling your whole cart in the snack food aisle.
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The report said this highlighted the importance of preventing avoidable admissions, particularly for frail people.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Review finds room for improvement
Judge Parry said Evans "caused the wholly unnecessary and avoidable death" of Mr Mort.
Reducing hospital-acquired infections and other avoidable health-center acquired conditions through rigorous reporting and transparency.
These looming challenges are no longer avoidable and they may be closer at hand than people think.
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But like billboards in the real world, billboards, or equivalents, in video games simply are not avoidable.
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Charlotte Bevan, from the stillbirth and neonatal death charity Sands, said hundreds of stillbirths were potentially avoidable.
Self-regulation involves an insurmountable conflict of interest and results in thousands of instances of avoidable fraud each year.
My irritation rises, I feel like reminding them of all the avoidable delays which have led to this.
Nor is it easy to disentangle the effects of climate change from those of avoidable failures in policy.
Investors are right to be grateful to Congress for not plunging the US into an entirely avoidable downturn.
This was avoidable at the time and this needs to be recognised now.
The condition - also known as bed sores - is nearly always avoidable.
BBC: Cefn Coed Hospital, Swansea apology for patient failure
The twins' mother Ami Dean, 25, said their deaths had been "totally avoidable".
The journey will benefit Seeing is Believing, a charity which tackles avoidable blindness.
"We will get to the bottom of this potentially avoidable tragedy, " it said.
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This is a longstanding practice in the industry (and elsewhere) and it exposes patients to avoidable and unnecessary harm.
FORBES: The Real Scandal Is Not Acknowledging That Drugs Do Work
We start by looking at causes, some of which are treatable or avoidable.
Despite the scale of the humanitarian disaster, some of the suffering is avoidable.
Shortly after lunch came the two decisive blows, and both were avoidable.