For that to happen, they must awaken to the limitless possibilities of big data.
By midyear we will awaken to an ever shrinking supply of equity and a growing economy.
The under-banked people of System D would awaken to using bitcoin for eliminating onerous fees or the risk of handling cash.
As China and India awaken to climate change, few of their leaders and thinkers seem to expect a more solid solution: an ambitious replacement, or refreshment, of the Kyoto protocol.
In our opinion this may be the year that regulators and others begin to take action against companies that prey upon these plans and plan sponsors awaken to the need for reform.
Most of the major publishers today are owned by international conglomerates who, at some point, will awaken to the realization that English majors in their employ are spending millions of dollars on books that no one wants to read.
Four years after the nation was awaken to the 401(k) debacle, you might expect that responsible employers would be concerned about the dire circumstances facing the majority of their retirees, be motivated to strengthen the plans they offer, and address many of the weaknesses that three decades of defined contribution experience have exposed.
Like to Lazarus in the tomb, God calls us to awaken and to lead humanity and creation.
It took a natural disaster to awaken government to its true purpose: providing for citizens what no one else can provide.
But one thing it has already achieved is to awaken in people to the power of movements.
FORBES: Who's Profiting From The Occupy Wall Street Movement?
As opposition leader, Mr Netanyahu recalled Churchill's efforts to awaken the world to the danger of Nazi Germany.
Political divisions have rarely been uglier and what better more sacred ground to stake out than claiming to awaken the public to their fulfillment of the American dream, home-ownership.
Sure, but not overnight and not without the kind of unified, industry-wide, cooperative effort that the economic nightmares from which both Europe and the US are still trying to awaken would tend to discourage.
Rather is trying to re-awaken what it means to be American, as he sees it.
Rule 603 states that the oath is 'calculated to awaken the witness' conscience and impress the witness' mind with the duty' to tell the truth.
So far the system -- which uses a parent-set sunrise and moonset calculator, and also features a "Treasure Chest Music Selector" to pleasantly awaken your own little treasures -- doesn't seem to be commercially available, which is kind of a shame, because we know more than a few people who would love to trick their tiny terrors into bedtime at five o'clock on the daily.
ENGADGET: 'Reverse Alarm Clock' keeps the kids in bed so you can party
Rather than put them to sleep, both Ambien and its generic twin, zolpidem, appear to awaken at least some of them.
If Bungie is aiming to awaken my inner seven-year-old, as they claim in the leaked documents, well that sounds perfectly alright by me.
FORBES: Bungie's New Game 'Destiny' Leaks, New Concept Art And Story Revealed
My countdown lasted, and eventually I lapsed into a long nap only to awaken and find that the laptops were still running perfectly.
If Rip's modern equivalent had dozed off around 1992 only to awaken today, at least he'd find the current college football landscape pleasingly familiar.
WSJ: Florida State, Notre Dame Roll: College Football's Throwback Weekend
Drift off on the most comfortable king feather bed you may ever sleep in, and awaken each morning to a magnificent breakfast for two.
They never imagined the sleeping giant they were about to awaken.
WHITEHOUSE: Vice President Biden gives Remarks at the Pentagon
Once the barn was finished, the sleeping bats were put into a soft bag by an ecology consultant, and delivered to awaken in their new home.
It's also reactive: Connecting the stage and the seats is in part designed to awaken spectators who have been anesthetized by decades in front of the television.
"There has been a kind of hectic feebleness about his every move which is beginning to awaken pity rather than anger, " wrote the Evening Standard, beneath the headline "Let's Admit It: Foot's a Disaster".
When I wasn't sleeping or submerged in the surf becoming one with a seahorse, I was facedown on a massage table covered in orchid petals with only the slight rumble of my own stomach to awaken me.
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Practice mindfulness to awaken your senses.
FORBES: 79 Ways You Can Transform Corporate America From The Inside Out
The meeting was designed to re-awaken the UNESCO ASP programme here in St.
UNESCO: Associated Schools Project Network revived in St. Vincent
Now he warns, human activity in the space of less than 200 years threatens to re-awaken extreme climate change of the sort never experienced in the era of recorded history.