"--To which we can only answer: "Baby, don't hurt me, no more.
Worst of all, we have to postpone our plan to have a baby for I don't know how long.
Downloading offers neither, at least not for Baby Boomers who don't listen to music at their computers or don't own iPods.
Perfect time to exploit that slightly deranged dog sock puppet--who reflects every pet's fear of abandonment by wailing "Oohhhhhhh, baby, please don't go!"
Ms. PAGE: (As Juno MacGuff) The baby - I don't really know much about it other than - I mean, it has fingernails allegedly.
And I have since updated my baby math: If I don't get pregnant on my own within the next year or so, I plan to thaw my eggs and hopefully give birth to my first child at 44 and maybe a second by 46.
"I would be concerned ... that we don't (throw) away the baby with the bath water and miss these opportunities because we are trying to prohibit things we don't like, " he said.
"It's roots are in value meals for families, so don't throw the baby out with bath water, " she warns.
Also contentious are refund programs that offer money back if in vitro fertilization fails and patients don't take a baby home.
Biologists at the center don't how this baby ended up being orphaned, but they say the mother may have been killed or perhaps the baby strayed off.
Mr. MILTON CAMPBELL (Blues Artist): (Singing) If I don't love you, baby, grits ain't grocery, eggs ain't poultry and Mona Lisa was a man.
"I've long admired Phillip's work, " said Swank, who won best actress Oscars for Boys Don't Cry and Million Dollar Baby.
They have managed to procure blankets, mattresses, baby formula and other basic essentials, but we don't expect that this is going to be possible for much longer.
These women don't appreciate the dozens of tiny baby related things even the most non-participatory of husbands do on a daily basis.
Retired Baby-Boomers have plenty of ways to make money that don't involve greeting people at Wal-Mart.
The third criticism of the "anti-sharia" legislative movement reflected in Oklahoma's constitutional amendment is a kind of "don't-throw-out-the-baby-with-the-bath-water" argument.
Think about all those horrors that emerged in the late 60s and early 70s -- "The Exorcist, " "Don't Look Now, " "Rosemary's Baby" -- just as the Vietnam War was raging.
Nevertheless, some have managed to get their hands on a Blu-ray player and movies already, despite the fact the movies don't officially release until tomorrow, and Samsung's baby isn't due until next week.
"We don't want to move too fast with her, where we stress out the baby, " Evans said.
When a young girl wants a baby christened, her pastor should be asking to meet with the father as well, even if the two don't get along.