And there's no way an institutional setting can give a human baby what the child needs.
"Whatever a gorilla mom would do with her baby is what we have to do with this baby, " said Ron Evans, the zoo's primate team leader and one of Gladys' human surrogates.
Ms. MURRAY: When my husband I went out to dinner, I had the thought that we were supposed to adopt from Russia, and kind of having a conversation with myself, saying, no, you know, it's expensive, I--you know, we want a baby and what have you.
Everyone had big ideas about baby boomers and what they were going to purchase when they retired.
We have all heard a screaming baby, but what about one bealing, scrawking, siking, whauping, whinnocking, yarking or yiling?
The technology allows researchers to measure magnetic-field changes around the brain while a baby sits under what looks like a beauty-salon hair dryer.
"These are all baby steps towards what we ultimately want to do, which is give them the device and say, 'Go home and check back with us in a week, '" Russell says.
CNN: Artificial pancreas gives girl a vacation from diabetes
He has a good sense of what retiring baby boomers want from the marketplace.
And as for feeding the baby at night, sometimes I'll splurge and pay two hundred bucks for a baby nurse, or what I like to call my surrogate husband, without benefits.
Who does what with baby, though, varies a lot from species to species, depending to a large extent on how sure a male is that the baby in question is really his.
We should expand programs where registered nurses visit expectant and new mothers and help them learn how to care for themselves before the baby is born and what to do after - programs that have helped increase father involvement, women's employment, and children's readiness for school.
Now, look what this refurbished baby can do, even in a miserable economy.
Mr. MYERS: Fully amplified and stretching their boogies into marathon concert performances, these groups brought boogie to the baby boomers who apparently liked what they heard.
She decides to carry the baby to term and finds what seems like an ideal yuppie couple (Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner) to adopt it, but everything falls apart.
For their book "225 Best Jobs for Baby Boomers, " authors Michael Farr and Laurence Shatkin decided to comb through data to discover what the best jobs are for baby boomers.
That the baby is too young to remember what happened is for many child-rights advocates an unpersuasive argument.
And we are saying to the most merciless forces on the planet, the Market and Mother Nature, What you got, baby?
Whoever owns the company, you still maintain your soft-corner for the baby and constantly keep track of what is going in.
Soon afterwards a baby in her care died in what she said was a choking accident, but the Saudi courts said was strangulation.
The staff nurse said she "went straight over to her and said, I have to talk to you, and what happened to the baby".
Pastor WARREN: What point is a baby entitled to human rights?
Kennedy told baby boomers to "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country, " they ran with it.
This has the biggest implications for the baby bust generation (born 1966-1985) as they approach what should be their prime earning years and for younger baby boomers that will be facing a vacuum of demand from younger generations when they want to retire, sell the family home and down-size.
FORBES: Dirt Poor Echo Boomers May Find Cheap Cribs In Burbs, Shun Urban Living
Earlier today, a study in Science Translational Medicine proposed that DNA sequencing could become a standard first-choice test for infants in neonatal intensive care units, because a combination of new software and hardware could allow doctors to get results in just 50 hours, answering questions about what is making a baby sick far faster when time is of the essence.
FORBES: DNA Sequencing: Is Science Fiction Becoming Medical Fact?
What the Oregon scientists have done is to deliver the baby that the would-be human cloners have been waiting for 15 years -- what looks like a reliable technique for creating cloned embryos.
CNN: Human stem cell cloning: 'Holy Grail' or techno-fantasy?
In January 2011, Sonya Skillings's nocturnal baby-feeding sessions were disturbed by what she said sounded like an underground subway beneath the house.
"We learned that it's what's best for baby, " said my own pediatrician.