Pushing back the date of retirement is certainly something over which older workers have some control.
The reason that excites researchers is that it helps to push back the date when humanity arrived in the Americas.
Ministers have already made a compromise by pushing back the date for raising the state pension age to October 2020.
But he was also working on other projects - his Beagle-related works, then his work on barnacles - and these pushed back the date until he could start work on his species theory.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Darwin 'was committed to publish'
Two years ago, the chief executive of Comverse Technology fled the United States for Israel and then for Namibia, escaping charges that he participated in a scheme to back-date options at the Long Island, N.
The package of tax proposals that Baucus has tacked on his amendments to the minimum wage bill also includes several other provisions, including a proposal to push back the date of taxation on corporate inversions to March 20, 2002.
Most of the buildings visitors see today, though, date back to the 18th Century.
It is evident that this city and graveyard date back to the early Dilmun period.
All of the fossils date back to 183 million years ago during the Jurassic period.
Some are packhorse routes that date back to the days of the early settlers.
The pictures date back to the 1920s and also document families enjoying time in the park.
Evidence collected by the National Trust suggests the current buildings date back to about 1800.
BBC: Cumbria's Acorn Bank Mill grinds first flour for 70 years
The problems at Olympus date back to Japan's booming 1980s, according to the report.
Wiltshire Council has said the issues date back 10 years to when planning consent was granted.
Incumbent treatment technologies in the U.S., like coagulation and flocculation, date back to the 19th century.
The earliest lathes date back about 2300 years and were powered by a handheld bow.
The Ford family's supervoting rights date back to 1956, when the company went public.
Tensions between Cardiff and Westminster, whose origins date back years, are coming to a head.
The prehistoric caves in Torquay house bone artefacts believed to date back to Neanderthal man.
The oldest known pots were found in Japan and date back more than 12, 000 years.
Efforts to ease Africa's official debts date back at least as far as 1987.
Some of the tombs where the spider was discovered date back to the 1830s.
Mrs Godfrey said the mound was thought to date back to the Roman or Romano-British eras.
It has allowed grievances over land and privilege that date back decades to resurface.
Another disability organisation, RADAR, says putting the date back by another three years is "disappointing".
Teme Bridge is a designated historic monument and parts of it date back to medieval times.
They carbon-date back to millennia after the end of the ice age, about 9-10 thousand years ago.
There are still a lot of conflicts in the world that are -- date back for centuries.
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The papers, which date back to the mid-1500s, were discovered at the Dunham Massey estate near Altrincham.
The events of the case date back to 2003 and the furor over the invasion of Iraq.