Do you send them back to the country of origin before they can apply for any kind of a permanent work visa?
It is notable, too, that Poland's new prime minister, Jerzy Buzek, is happy to trace his ancestry back to the country's small Czech minority.
On July 5, Zelaya tried to fly back to the country.
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He says he was taken into custody by Turkish security forces and interrogated by the Iranian secret service who threatened to bring him back to the country.
So my message to business leaders today is simple: Ask yourselves what you can do to bring jobs back to the country that made our success possible.
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The Turkey created by the generals' actions seems to possess no party, and no politician, capable of giving back to the country a sense of unity and purpose.
"I went into the army to give something back to the country that did so much for me and also to travel the world and have fun, " he says.
Deciding they wanted to give something back to the country where their children were born, they discovered The Sharing Foundation, a nonprofit that serves the needs of Cambodian orphans and disabled children.
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The Dubliner played for England in the 2007 World Cup and under International Cricket Council rules he should be unable to switch allegiance back to the country of his birth until April 2011.
And he is thankful not just for the income, not just because his skills are no longer idle, but because it gives him an opportunity to keep giving back to the country that he loves.
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Morley still has a property close to the beach in Sydney, enjoys residency status in Australia and is not adverse to the idea of moving back to the country that took to him after a mediocre first season.
He said he had gone back to the country a couple of years ago with Queen guitarist Brian May to see what had been done since, and the stars then got involved in another campaign to raise money to rebuild a music school there.
You don't want the expense of flying staff all the way back to the home country, and if the situation cools down, you'll want a quick route back in.
Time to stop worshiping Grover Norquist and get back to running the country the way it ought to be and stop running it on failed ideology.
What Apple, Microsoft and Cisco need in order to bring that cash back into the country in an economic fashion is simply to do this: lose money, and in particular, enough money to offset the additional tax that would be required to bring the cash back into the country.
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As a currency weakens, a country's exporters enjoy a profit boost when earnings are repatriated back to the home country.
Mr. Dugan cut back exposure to the country in recent months, although he cautions that sentiment could turn positive again quickly if the government boosts stimulus spending.
Alongside lesser numbers of Italians, Yugoslavs and others, the Turks mined coal, forged steel and manned factories, transferring their earnings back to the home country they assumed they would return to.
She didn't go back to the African country before turning 18, but now she returns three or four times a year to visit her mother and oversee the progress of the foundation's projects.
Freer trade makes it much easier for companies to move to low-tax locations (it is not much good relocating your factory to Hungary if your goods face a 50% tariff going back to the home country).
Whether a more meritocratic elite can emerge out of the ashes of Fiji's conflagration to bring the country back to a constitutional democracy remains to be seen.
For what it's worth, eurozone finance ministers are also muttering about finding additional resources for bailouts, by having their respective national central banks lend to the International Monetary Fund, which would then lend the money back to any eurozone country that was unable to borrow in the conventional way.
The Primakov-promoters say he is tipping the balance back to the centre, thereby restoring to the country a bit of coherence and discipline.
In his first remarks to the international media following the election, Mr. Najib told The Wall Street Journal in an interview on Tuesday that expanding the size and scope of the country's economy would help draw support back to the National Front, which has run the country uninterrupted since independence from Britain in 1957.
To encourage the answer it wants--and to cut back the country's growing oil imports--Beijing has imposed taxes on high-gas-consumption autos, while adopting European auto emissions standards in 2004.
Whether you look at politics or industry, it seems as though everyone is searching for a leader to bring the country back to its former glory days.
Its history in Myanmar, then called Burma, stretches back to 1862 when the country was under British colonial rule.
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Pass this bill and we put construction crews back to work across the country repairing and modernizing at least 35, 000 schools.
The recent cases prompted China to announce temperature checks on people traveling back from Cambodia, according to the country's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.