Second, many pension funds were badly wounded in the mortgage-backed bond crunch of 2008 and 2009.
That led to a police shootout in which Tamerlan Tsarnaev suffered fatal injuries and Dzhokhar was badly wounded.
The driver was killed, and she was badly wounded, but she survived, fortunately--and Mr. Preval did not appreciate that.
Badly wounded, Stark feigns compliance, but actually hammers out the prototype for a bulletproof jet-suit that he uses to escape.
His 19-year-old brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was later captured alive, but badly wounded.
Days later, Mr Blancornelas was ambushed in his car by gunmen, Barron among them, who killed his bodyguard and badly wounded him.
ECONOMIST: Kidnapping and murder are the drug-dealers�� weapons
Out buying groceries, he was one of more than half-a-dozen people killed or badly wounded during riots last week in Kingston, Jamaica's capital.
Tsarnaev's brother Tamerlan had been killed in a gun battle with police early that morning, while Tsarnaev was captured alive but badly wounded that night.
Talks broke down, and the Greek government limped on badly wounded.
WSJ: European Disunion: Dithering at the Top Turned EU Crisis to Global Threat
Three days later, they allegedly killed a police officer, leading to a shootout that killed Tamerlan and badly wounded Dzhokhar, who was captured the following night.
Despite the costs of rebranding, which include everything from focus groups to new company stationary, some companies feel that their badly wounded reputations leave no other option.
Erika Brannock, 29 years old, endured 11 surgeries during her stay at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center as doctors worked to save one of her badly wounded legs.
WSJ: Last Boston Marathon Bombing Patient, Erika Brannock, Released From Hospital
Jahangir, who was only thirteen at the time, was alone in the house with her two sisters, and had to take the badly wounded man to the hospital.
Despite being badly wounded, Guy retained control of his vehicle until he was rescued by a Chinook and transferred to Selly Oak hospital, before going to Headley Court Military Hospital.
Sal found his friend alive, but badly wounded.
WHITEHOUSE: Medal of Honor for Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta
Inman (Jude Law), a young Confederate soldier, badly wounded and spiritually depleted, deserts his company and tries to make his way back to his home town in North Carolina and to a young woman, Ada (Nicole Kidman), he knew briefly and fell in love with.
Aurora police Officer Justin Grizzle, a 13-year veteran, wiped away tears Monday while describing his efforts to rush badly wounded victims to a hospital in his police cruiser, including shooting victim Ashley Moser and her husband, who wanted Grizzle to turn around and head back to the theater.
Almost 18, 000 men and women have been wounded so badly in Iraq and Afghanistan that they could not return to duty.
Andy Heath, chairman of UK Music and director of the record company Beggars Group, denied that HMV had been "slaughtered" by the internet, but did admit that the firm had been "wounded very badly".
In April 2008, she helped persuade the Marines to assign Mr. Welch to the Wounded Warrior Battalion, the Corps' way of easing badly injured Marines out of service.