Repeated failures of the Bulava intercontinentalballisticmissile caused embarrassment for Russia, though two successful tests were reportedly conducted last year.
In June 1992, President Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a "framework agreement" (1) in Washington that provided for the complete elimination of all multiple-warheaded land-based intercontinentalballisticmissile (MIRVed ICBM) systems.
Before joining Linear, he taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he used a surplus flight computer from an IntercontinentalBallisticMissile to research the control of fermentation for use in fields such as pharmaceutical production.
From August 1998 to February 2000, Myers was commander-in-chief of the North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Space Command, and commander of Air Force Space Command, responsible for U.S. defense via space and intercontinentalballisticmissile operations.