It is too late for Mr Ryall's name to be removed from the ballot paper.
There has also been confusion about the difference between a rejected and a spoiled ballot paper.
All of them will need the support of 50 members to get on the ballot paper.
He wrote a letter on his ballot paper, voicing his frustration with the election.
The referendum ballot paper will have three options covering the number of politicians and size of constituency.
BBC: Jersey voters urged to register before reform referendum
If a majority opts for this odd feature of the Russian ballot paper, the poll becomes invalid.
That meant that many people who were illiterate had to find their way around a seven-page ballot paper.
All voters in the constituency will receive a ballot paper and a freepost envelope to return it in.
The Electoral Commission promised to set out new rules for ballot paper design, including how parties describe themselves.
That vote has been postponed because of a dispute over which candidates should be on the ballot paper.
Mr Schwarzenegger's supporters have appealed the decision, so, for the moment, the initiative remains on the ballot paper.
Mr Ryall's name will remain on the ballot paper because the discovery came after the closing date for withdrawals.
Tenants are to receive a ballot paper through the post asking them to vote by the 9 February deadline.
To make a difference, you have to get to the polling station and put a cross on the ballot paper.
Many Afghans are illiterate and rely on symbols like light bulbs and books to identify their candidates on the ballot paper.
Last week the Green Party candidate Ms Berry urged her backers to put Mr Livingstone as their second choice on their ballot paper.
Although he will no longer be standing, Mr MacNamara's name will remain on the ballot paper because the deadline for nominations has passed.
Nor can the candidates, more than 1, 000 of them contesting 131 seats, appear on the ballot paper with identifying party symbols or colours.
He was defeated last year by the late Missouri governor Mel Carnahan, who died in a plane crash after the ballot paper was finalised.
The debate included five amendments looking to change the wording of the ballot paper and an attempt to make the electoral commission look again.
The referendum will be held on 24 April and the ballot paper will have three options covering the number or politicians and size of constituency.
The elections saw the introduction of a new design of ballot paper for the parliament vote and a new voting system for the council seats.
Registered voters will be given a ballot paper with two columns.
However, Labour's Andy Kerr said Holyrood was responsible for some of the "key decisions", such as the combined ballot paper, that led to the election problems.
The Scottish and UK governments have been debating a number of subjects including how many questions would appear on the ballot paper and who should vote.
Former Fleet Street journalist Yvonne Ridley, who has stood for the party in the past, will be described on the ballot paper as the Respect (George Galloway) candidate.
Many Congolese would rather have clothes than a ballot paper.
It's likely to be one of two options on the ballot paper, alongside what's nicknamed "devolution max" - full tax powers for Holyrood, with defence and foreign affairs staying under Westminster control.
The ballot paper in a by-election is like at a general election, with voters putting a X in the box next to the name of the candidate they want to vote for.