Mr. CORTEZ TROTTER (Chief Emergency Officer, Chicago): You remember the LaSalle Bank Building fire?
The eventual use of another site once slated to be a tower, where the former Deutsche Bank building stood, is unclear.
At a downtown bank building, DeLay's leading challenger introduces himself to a meeting of the Fort Ben County Republican Women's Club.
One of the most spectacular renovations is of the old Ottoman Bank building, near the port of Karakoy just under the tower.
In the case of the old London Bank building, the local council basically gave it to new owners on condition they restore it.
They have been sited at the authentic French chateau-styled Yates building, the 1874 Victoria Building with its Italianesque style, the former NatWest Bank building and the Chaucer buildings.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Tyne/Wear | Best foot forward for public art
Ramneek Gupta, a managing director for Citi Ventures and part of the venturing team, admits that fewer and fewer people are setting foot in a bank building anymore.
The rest of it from the beach forward was out--that was the old bank building and it actually withstood more than it--now just the vault is left, and it's just unbelievable.
Housed in a former bank building, it has an indoor swimming pool and basketball court, a rooftop adventure playground overlooked by the stock exchange, a ballroom-sized auditorium on the former trading floor, and much more.
Persistent cheats will have their benefit stopped, and investigators will be given new powers to search bank and building society accounts of suspects.
Poorer households tend to put their money, if they have any spare, into bank and building-society accounts, where they do not escape the taxman.
You need to take care when entering the amounts of bank or building society interest you have received and any tax that has been deducted.
He was particularly scathing about the common practice of winning new customers by giving them a better deal than loyal customers who had stayed with their bank or building society for years.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Moneybox | Reliance chief attacks financial services
In its final stage, it transformed itself into an investment bank by building a corporate-finance arm to sell its hundreds of holdings, several of which have been floated in London and Stockholm.
Unused cash in bank accounts that had been dormant for more than 15 years can be used to fund social investment under the the Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts Act from 2011.
Moreover, it tends to obfuscate the central plank of Mr Mitzna's platform, which is that if the Palestinians refuse to negotiate Israel must act unilaterally, pulling out of all of Gaza and most of the West Bank and building a security fence to separate itself from the Palestinian territories.
The fivesome cannot agree on their individual share of funding for a development bank geared towards building their economies.
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Cash equities is not the only area Deutsche Bank has been building.
The group confirmed it also plans to extend its legal services across all 330 high street branches of the Co-operative Bank and Britannia Building Society.
The credit union also prides itself on being able to lend to some people with ill health whom a bank or a building society would not entertain.
Some are dilapidated but others have been spectacularly restored, including the former Bank of Indochina building, which now houses a fine-dining restaurant with an excellent view across the square.
Even in Dubai, where the sky is still alarmingly full of cranes and half-finished towers, one Western bank is contemplating building a new office for itself because existing buildings are not up to scratch.
Syrian state television, meanwhile, broadcast images early Monday showing a damaged police car in Damascus and a pillar with a missing chunk of concrete outside the Central Bank of Syria building, also in the capital.
He pointed to planning reforms and cutting red tape as examples of how the government was boosting growth - but vowed not to repeat the mistakes of the past on bank regulation when building the "new" economy.
So it's hardly a novel concept, but it's only now becoming likely that you'll see it in the real world: Fujitsu announced today that its palm readers will soon be installed in bank kiosks, building lobbies, and other places where you might need to verify your identity at a checkpoint of some sort.
Within hours all pretence of maintaining a statesmanlike consensus over the bail-out of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and HBOS (formed by the merger of Halifax Building Society with Bank of Scotland) had vanished.
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When I started seeing momentum building around Bank Transfer Day, I was excited.
Exactly what is most crucial in the process of nation-building the Bank's experts do not say.