Now, Anna, you were press secretary to First Lady Barbara Bush in the first Bush administration.
Barbara Bush was always an asset to her husband during his campaigns for public office.
Trustee of the George and Barbara Bush Endowment for Innovative Cancer Research at M.
But on Thursday, former first lady Barbara Bush suggested on NBC's "Today" show that her son shouldn't run.
Today Barbara Bush lives in a home she and her husband built in Houston, Texas, where she enjoys being part of the community.
Bush still finds time to work on an autobiography, serve on the Boards of AmeriCares and the Mayo Clinic, and continue her prominent role in the Barbara Bush Foundation.
Obesity and hunger affect school achievement and health care in fairly obvious ways, Vilsack said, while speaking to a group at the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital at Maine Medical Center.
But in an interview Thursday on NBC's "Today, " former first lady Barbara Bush said that while Jeb Bush is able to do the job, she would like to see other families in the White House.
Rarely has a First Lady been greeted by the American people and the press with the approbation and warmth accorded to Barbara Pierce Bush.
W. Bush and Barbara, to all the members of the Bush family who are here -- it is a great privilege to have you here today.
Secretary Rice had another testy exchange with California Democrat Barbara Boxer, who accused the Bush administration of having a tin ear.
The webzine says Bush confers daily with only four people: wife Laura, mother Barbara, advisor Karen Hughes and Secretary of State, Condi Rice.
Bush, who also had her official portrait unveiled, thanked the Obamas for their hospitality in hosting the event that included lunch with the Bush family -- including both former presidents and first ladies as well as former first daughters Jenna and Barbara.