Staring an advanced civilization straight in the face, the Roman dismissed it as either barbarism or decadence.
He was influenced by a contemporary, Maulana Maudoodi in India, who was also repelled by modernity and saw it as barbarism.
Ann Widdecombe, one of the few anti-hunt Tory MPs, urged MPs to seize the best chance to years to "ban that barbarism" completely.
This hope was gradually replaced by frustration, however, and Erdogan soon began to condemn the "barbarism" and "savagery" of the Syrian regime.
Its strength derives in part from the architectural barbarism of the post-war years, when Victorian terraces were bulldozed and replaced with brutalist blocks.
He said "Romeo and Juliet" is a fast and urgent play and both families are barely able to conceal a deep well of barbarism.
The six million men, women and children exterminated by the Nazis belonged to a great people not predestined to martyrdom, but the victim of gratuitous barbarism.
These were a matter of great surprise and rather unbelievable for the people who had not only become used to the barbarism of those kings but also became their admirers.
In the 1930s Nazi barbarism was discounted because of the shocking World War I stories about the behavior of German troops: After all, weren't those tales of German atrocities against the Belgians wildly exaggerated?
The US wisely capitalized on tribal leaders' disaffection with al-Qaida barbarism and worked with them to launch an offensive against al-Qaida forces and to bring the Sunni tribes into the political processes in Iraq.
They said that their parents had taken them, that they had witnessed an unholy union of recital and insurrection, of sex and barbarism, and that they remained, however many years later, unsettled and even inspired by the memory.
It is very possible that Mitsurugi and Sophitia will still be peering down from their mountainous home in Tanum, Sweden long after the society that thought they were a good use of resources has fallen into full-on Cormac McCarthy barbarism.
After the horrors of the first world war, many people were convinced that another global conflict would unleash forces of barbarism that decaying liberalism would be powerless to resist and that the inevitable result would be the dawning of a new dark age.
Excerpt (White): The Turner thesis is very simple: What made Americans was the existence of free land in the West, and it was the constant settlement of that free land, the retreat back to nature--back to barbarism almost--and then the recapitulation of progress out of this initial retreat that made Americans who they are.