As I followed him, silently cursing, the barest brushstroke of a path materialised, a muddy, leaf-strewn depression.
At Huawei they never give interviews, and release only the barest glimmers of background.
So the premise behind the assertion falls apart upon even the barest of inquiry.
What there is, instead, are the barest bones of the story, stripped, telescoped and re-assembled.
Besides, neither the Serbs nor the Albanians have agreed on even the barest basis for talks.
His collaborator, the comedian and sometime-actor Garry Shandling, has winnowed his autobiography down to its barest essence.
Most of the students in those systems don't acquire even the barest skills in reading and writing.
Obama is facing reelection facing a horrible economy that he has done the barest possible minimum to stimulate.
FORBES: Rick Perry Clueless On Use Of Executive Presidential Powers To Kill Obamacare
Lack of foreign exchange makes it hard to import even the barest necessities.
ECONOMIST: Lack of foreign exchange is making life unbearable
The barest bone is the wrench of marrow, roasted and salted, and it comes dressed with parsley, lemon, and radish.
Just then Dr. Blork entered the room, giving the barest hint of a knock on the door before he barged in.
What drivers see today on their navigation screens or smart phones is only the barest outline of the knowledge being amassed by the vans.
Only the barest essentials - including passports and wallets - will be allowed to be carried on board in transparent plastic bags, the department said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Security increased at NI airports
When Webber and Wells decided to strike out on their own in 2007, they stripped their sound down to the barest elements and got in touch with their inner demons.
Neither FAA officials, who merely provide guidance, nor the airlines, which make their own rules, are motivated to put themselves in the path of blame by allowing the barest possibility of avoidable catastrophe.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Devices on planes -- either enforce the rules or change them
White can be the paper on which he paints or any number of delicate washes in which we almost feel the painter making certain that the barest amount of pigment will mix with water on his brush.