But Constance could hear the faint ring of another doorbell, down the hall, which set off a barking dog.
The dynamic duo reside in the Dilworth area of Charlotte, where they operate Barking Dog Chocolatiers, an artisanal chocolate company.
But JetBlue thinks the better service from home agents offsets that price advantage, notwithstanding the occasional barking dog in the background.
Maybe the barking dog really was trying to alert us to budding economic troubles before it was summarily dispatched to the pound.
On the whole, they are better neighbors (we can probably all think of exceptions of course) since they tend to quiet the barking dog or turn down the loud music after 10 PM.
Then, she heard a crash upstairs in the hall and the sound of a dog barking.
Dr. Oguss says sometimes a well-mannered mutt is egged into barking by another dog.
WSJ: Hawaii Turns to Dog Shrink as 'Incessant Barkers' Cut Plea Deals
He had woken to hear the dog barking, and went downstairs to see the front door handle shaking, with someone trying to get in.
Mr Ferris said he woke in the early hours to hear the dog barking and went downstairs to see the front door handle shaking, with someone trying to get in.
And there was a lack of oversight from the regulator, the Financial Services Authority: it was "thoroughly inadequate... not so much the dog that did not bark, as a dog barking up the wrong tree".
As she, ahem, warms to the subject, Ms Solowij, explains how her dog, barking in the background, is occupying the only tiny patch of sunlight it can find in her house.
When a bark is detected, the lowest level of correction is given, and corrections will rise until the dog stops nuisance barking.
ENGADGET: Garmin announces new dog collars, talks up 'Bark Odometer'
Like all Garmin products, the BarkLimiter Series is simple to use, with a set-it-and-forget-it "autorise" function that automatically programs the stimulation intensity level based on the barking behavior of each individual dog.
ENGADGET: Garmin announces new dog collars, talks up 'Bark Odometer'
Which points, in turn, to a dog-not-barking-in-the-nighttime detail that may be significant.
The new BarkLimiter series helps put an end to the problem by giving dog owners control over nuisance barking.
ENGADGET: Garmin announces new dog collars, talks up 'Bark Odometer'
Aquabot was easy to take in and out of the pool, and the dog, which is prone to barking at the human cleaner, treated the mechanical version with blessed indifference.
The Kapus cut a plea deal with the prosecutor: He would dismiss their last four citations if they agreed to dog counseling and if their hounds avoided barking violations during a six-month probation.
WSJ: Hawaii Turns to Dog Shrink as 'Incessant Barkers' Cut Plea Deals
From one of them, a big wolfish dog ran out with a great display of barking and snarling.
And so market conditions are exerting themselves and that external shock that could always happen in oil, the dog that could bark, it hasn't been barking of late.
An old woman in a nursing home begs for the companionship of her dog back home, which turns out to be a barking machine to ward off burglars.
After a prolonged period of quiet, the BarkLimiter will reset itself to two levels below the dog's maximum level reached and begin rising again if barking resumes.
ENGADGET: Garmin announces new dog collars, talks up 'Bark Odometer'
He's administering dog counseling as part of a plea deal the Kapus have made after five barking citations.
WSJ: Hawaii Turns to Dog Shrink as 'Incessant Barkers' Cut Plea Deals
Justice of the Peace John Logan passed the death sentence on the dog last month following a complaint from Mr Shaw's neighbour who said Sam's barking over many years was a nuisance.