Expansion of basic education and training in other essential skills required by youth and adults.
China has made great strides in universalising the provision of basic education in recent years.
Many of the poorest countries spend significantly more on arms than on basic education.
This reflects the historical fact of lacking access and quality of basic education in those areas.
Children of parents with a basic education are more likely to survive past the age of 5.
Thus, the United States still has some distance to go before achieving this heightened standard of basic education.
Following is a discussion of some of the equity concerns related to basic education in the United States.
There are also acute disparities with regards to the provision of basic education to rural and urban areas.
The really basic education in math, science, and engineering is extendable and lasts much longer than 5-10 years.
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Learners from Non Formal Basic Education Schoolsperformed on Tableau and Milli Naghma on the International Literacy Day celebration.
How do you balance the importance of extracurricular activities with the need to provide your students a basic education?
Commendable progress has been made in achieving quality basic education for all since the MDGs were set in 2000.
Britain has announced plans for a multi-million-dollar fund to ensure every child in the Commonwealth countries receives a basic education.
The Cambodian Constitution now guarantees universal right to basic education including free and compulsory education for the first nine years.
Basic education continues to be denied to at least 125 million children worldwide, according to the Global Campaign for Education.
To date, the in-service teacher training is playing an important role in supporting the basic education system in remote areas.
Dr Matsuura has advanced a wide range of programmes including universal basic education, freshwater management and the preservation of living arts and culture.
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The Education for All (EFA) movement is a global commitment to provide quality basic education for all children, youth and adults.
He ordered the department of basic education to come up with a "catch-up" plan to resolve the issue by 15 June.
The Education for All (EFA) movement is a global commitment aimed at ensuring quality basic education for all children, youths and adults.
UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: Education for All
And the goal is to provide basic education for 4 million additional children on the continent of Africa and across the globe.
Donors must also live up to their commitments on financing basic education.
The focus of governments and NGOs is very much on basic education yet if more research was done in Africa everyone would benefit.
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Yet millions of young people in the region have not completed basic education, and millions more have never been to lower secondary school.
More importantly, the finance minister has increased an across-the-board education tax from 2% to 3% to fund basic education and secondary and higher education.
Second, the structure of state-provided education suggests that the goal of government education is not provision of the socially efficient quantity of basic education.
As a result, the percentage of people with 9th grade education (i.e. basic education) rose from just 9% in 1970 to 41.4% in 1998.
Despite these notable achievements, the international community is still not on track to deliver on the promise of quality basic education for all by 2015.
Although basic education is free, there is often pressure to get older children to begin work so that they can help with the family finances.
The participants noted the commendable progress that has been made in achieving quality basic education for all since the Millennium Development Goals were set in 2000.