We will boost domestic demand and maintain steady and robust growth as well as basic price stability.
Basic price is the amount receivable by the producer for a unit of a good or service excluding any taxes on products and imports, but including subsidies on products and imports.
So, the oil price rises and those basic chemicals that are tied to the oil price will also rise.
He has also promised to bring in measures to reduce the price of basic foodstuffs.
During Mr. Zardari's administration, the Supreme Court has played an activist role, making decisions normally reserved for government, including setting the price of basic commodities.
Recent surveys in the Bourem area of Gao region found that the price of basic foodstuffs had increased by up to 70% as a result of the military operation, Oxfam said.
Liveris, 36, has been hit hard by the country's economic crisis, losing 50% of his salary and barely clinging to his job as the price of basic foodstuffs continues to rise.
Basic microeconomics shows how price controls create shortages.
These bottlenecks could radically inflate the price of basic materials like silicon and create labor shortages that would affect the costs of manufacturing solar modules, designing and installing new solar systems and operating and maintaining already installed systems.
These are hosted on regular computer servers and can act as portals through which users can find out basic things like the price of a vegetable or how to get better yield from cows or if an electrician (whose voice site they have gone to) is available for a specific job on a specific day.
And the quota is actually driving up the price of many basic consumer goods and undermining economic recovery.
Households no longer had one TV but two or three, and the real price of a basic set went down and down.
My story begins 15 years ago when I first moved to San Jose and found a barber shop in my neighborhood with a good basic haircut at a reasonable price.
The abandoning of International Monetary Fund and World Bank economic policies which Mr Mugabe flirted with for 10 years, has already seen the re-introduction of price controls of basic commodities.
There are hundreds of technical indicators out there, and we use pretty much the most basic ones, which are price, volume, moving averages, trend lines and prior levels of support and resistance.
Now available with Toshiba's stylish Fusion finish, a large touch pad with gesture support, plus optional HDMI and USB 3.0 ports, the laptops are a great choice for those looking for the essentials to tackle basic tasks at an affordable price.
ENGADGET: Toshiba updates its all-in-ones, mainstream Satellite laptops for early 2013
It also includes the price-earnings ratio as a basic valuation measure, the earnings growth rate to examine recent growth, and the 52-week relative price strength to highlight stock market performance relative to other companies.
But these reforms pale into insignificance compared with its decision to maintain the price indexation of the basic state pension.
In particular, the predictions that were concerned with basic measurements of the capacity and price-performance of information technologies were very accurate.
Inflation has risen, from 7% year-on-year in January to 14% in October, thanks mainly to a rise in the price of housing and basic services as subsidies have been withdrawn.
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The reason that many sub-prime borrowers do not demand prime loans or shop around for the best sub-prime price is a lack of basic financial knowledge.
ECONOMIST: Lawmakers, state and federal, are mounting an attack
Mr Salins says the members of the state legislature are well aware of all the basic arguments about the evil effects of price controls on the property market.
Clone and Trend Micro's Internet Security, and that makes Iomega's USB 3.0 eGo Portable Hard Drives an exceptional premium solution at the same price as most entry level basic USB 2.0 products.
ENGADGET: Iomega pushes ahead with USB 3.0 transition, promises to keep drives at USB 2.0 prices
If my basic premise is right, the declining price will force traders to sell their commodities contracts to raise the cash to raise the extra cash needed to satisfy the higher margin requirements.
FORBES: As Predicted in December, Commodity Bubble is Popping
Netbooks, which have lower price points and focus on basic computing functions, rather than frills, appeal to children, travelers and first-time Internet users in emerging markets, where sales are expected to be particularly strong.
It had the good fortune over the past year of seeing the price of ethylene, a basic component for plastics that is derived from oil and natural gas, rise 35% to 55 cents a pound.
They are more price-sensitive and focused on basic functional benefits in products.
One of the most basic lessons in an introductory economics course is that price ceilings create shortages.
The basic service is free, but comes at the price of having to obtain yet one more phone number (to rule them all).
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