The implication is that the skipper bats with more care for his side or the situation.
Robinson Cano was hitless in 12 career at-bats against Doubront before solving him for a single.
When homers per game exceeded 0.90 in the mid-1980s, weight limits on bats were introduced.
And rather than eliminate the slugger, the new bats make him look more impressive.
Specially-licensed staff have been sexing, weighing and measuring bats in Kielder's 232 bat boxes.
It was his first hit in his last 27 at-bats with runners in scoring position.
He'd struck out in all four at-bats Friday night, leaving him in a 1-for-42 rut.
The mammalian skeleton is consistently recognisable in creatures as various as bats, monkeys, horses and humans.
Brandon Phillips had a two-run single for his first career hit off Marcum in 13 at-bats.
He has two hits in his last 36 at-bats, and only one RBI in May.
Among those upset at the full or partial bans: anyone associated with making or selling bats.
FORBES: Composite bat bans have sporting goods industry crying foul
That doesn't mean money can't be made from bats and balls from the recent homer-happy era.
It was his first home run since Sept. 27, 2010, a span of 376 at-bats.
The systems issues associated with the initial public offerings of BATS Global Markets, Inc.
FORBES: Reg SCI Gets A 'Yes But' From SEC Commissioner Aguilar
And after that, he says he'll need "50-70 at-bats" before he's ready to rejoin the Yankees.
Bats said the incident had a "tremendous impact, " even though authorities had been preparing for it.
Cummings hopes to turn Bats into an exchange of its own, or to buy one.
Cummings is the 38-year-old founder and chief executive of Bats Trading, in Kansas City, Mo.
The type of resistance that Tamim Iqbal provides is unusual because he bats so positively.
Cummings would also be able to sell Bats' market data, an extremely lucrative business.
Major competitors are Nasdaq OMX, CME Group, BATS Global and Direct Edge.
And many cenotes attract swallows, which you might -- as I did -- mistake for bats.
"We put some tough at-bats on some really tough pitchers, " Yankees manager Joe Girardi said.
They sleep only fitfully among the swarming insects, as bats swoop through the rafters.
Biological improvement would be treated much as athletic equipment like baseball bats and running shoes.
Ebola also may have started in bats before moving on to apes and people.
Over the same number of at-bats, the average American League player hit fewer than six.
Of course, that was put on ice when BATS bungled its own IPO in February.
Is Eduardo Nunez going to get 500 at-bats this year, and become a great player?
He is batting .361 in spring training with four homers and 11 RBIs in 36 at-bats.