Like other black churches, Trinity's services are full of raucous laughter and sometimes bawdy humor.
Soon it sounded like a bawdy shanty, accompanied by cheeky laughs from the men.
Led by a pair of well-read actors, you can soak up witty and irreverent literary anecdotes delivered with typical bawdy Dublin humour.
It was "completely out of character" for her mom, but Taylor asked her daughter to read aloud some of the bawdy jokes.
What was this bawdy carnival act called the American Football League?
The conversion led him to have second thoughts about the bawdy party-boy image the band portrayed in the 1980s, he told the Boston Globe in 1998.
Yet, insisting on laughter in the midst of desperation, he sugars the pill of criticism with humour that veers from the gently ironic to the bawdy or macabre.
The man who penned the scripts for the bawdy Russ Meyer exploitation flicks "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" and "Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens" could no doubt have gone slur-for-slur with them.
Ensor's parade may well reflect the tradition of religious processionals, including the bawdy rites of Mardi Gras, and the more secular, nationalist pageantry of "Joyous Entry" paintings that for centuries had commemorated the triumphant return of militia or monarchs to their capital cities.
In her first performance since giving birth to her second child in October, Diana Damrau gave a searing, loving portrayal of Gilda, a total melding of her silvery soprano with the persona of a vulnerable, confused young girl, unsure how to deal with her overprotective father and sexual awakening amid the bawdy decadence of Sin City.
There would appear to be little common ground between Vice, a bawdy catalog of the dangerously exotic fringes of global youth culture, and the Paris Review, and esteemed literary journal, but Rocco Castoro, the editor of Vice, said "the staffs of our publications run in the same circles" and called himself an avid reader of the Paris Review.
WSJ: Party for the Paris Review's Summer Issue and Vice Magazine's New Fiction Issue