We may be addicted to them, so that breaking the habit is hard, but the way forward is clear.
"Once you like it, a muscle-car person is going to be addicted to a rear-wheel drive platform, " he says.
And apparently I was out of the running because they insisted 007 shouldn't be addicted to barbecue potato chips and get winded after taking a flight of stairs.
Young diners - who at present might be addicted to fish fingers, chips and tomato ketchup - will be encouraged to adopt a healthier diet and to develop social skills associated with eating together.
Treatment for obesity itself is not considered deductible even if many of those who are overweight equate being addicted to food in much the same way as drug addicts can be addicted to cocaine or heroine.
FORBES: Winehouse Death Renews Debate About Addiction and Choice
Yet the person making these statements will likely be addicted to his iPod, wearing a T-shirt and blue jeans, and using Microsoft Word to jot down his "cultural" statements on his Intel-based PC, with some Google searches on the Internet here and there interrupting his composition.
Home builder Carl Weissensee used to be "addicted to stress, " he says.
Yet they are just as likely to want to quit as anyone else but are likely to be more addicted and lack the right support to stop, the report found.
In Korea, more than three in 10 youths who carry mobile phones are said to be addicted.
People with lower levels of brain dopamine are not as likely to become addicted, but they may be more likely to develop Parkinson's disease - which results from drastic reductions in dopamine in the brain.
People with mental health disorders, such as depression, are twice as likely to smoke and tend to be more addicted.
An added benefit for the Gmail-addicted would be having an excuse to check your e-mail while cuddling.
FORBES: What I really want to know about strangers' sex lives (Or: How to improve IJustMadeLove.com)
If that happens, hedge funds addicted to the credit market will be in deep trouble.
Whether American doctors addicted to expensive high-tech treatments whose apparent efficacy may be largely due to the placebo effect (think many types of back surgery) would ever do this is another question entirely.
FORBES: Sugar Pills Work Even When People Know They Are Fake
Panorama asks whether some of the medical profession have become addicted to prescribing anti-psychotics and whether many of these patients could be better cared for without such reliance on these powerful drugs?
Democrats will be trying out their argument that Republicans are out to protect the wealthy above all else, and that they remain addicted to Bush-era policies that caused economic calamity and ruinous budget deficits.