And it seems that we would beagreeableto a division of proceeds based on the list price of the book within a range of 45-55% (depending entirely on the negotiating power of the author and what they think they bring to the table that deserves more) of the list price for the author?
Could be that someone else wants to go much more and that a mutually agreeable bargain can be struck: this is known as selling the ticket to someone for less than they think it is worth but more than you do.
The human race has not devised any way of dissolving barriers, getting to know the other chap fast, breaking the ice, that is one-tenth as handy and efficient as letting you and the other chap, or chaps, cease tobe totally sober at about the same rate in agreeable surroundings.
Dr. Velmahos described the ones who weren't sedated as calm, agreeableto treatment decisions and responsive to questions, and he expressed hoped some of the patients could be released in a few days.