There is a long list of animals whose disappearance can be blamed squarely on human actions.
The decline in notebook demand could also be blamed on the growth of tablets.
It expects not to be blamed by other nations for emissions it makes on their behalf.
We can anticipate the next outbreak of food poisoning will be blamed on the sequester.
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That seems unlikely: the Republicans will not want to be blamed for the recession.
Abta also rejected the idea that the tourism industry could be blamed for health problems.
And Mr Yushchenko should not be blamed for some of Ukraine's most intractable problems.
Privatisation can be blamed for stimulating traffic growth, but that is hardly a sin.
Much of this can be blamed on the feeble state of the rich-world economy.
The government also notes that it can hardly be blamed for providing airtight security.
But finance directors can hardly be blamed for taking advantage of such a favourable climate.
Surely no government in the world can be blamed for meeting its responsibilities to such high levels.
The investment performance shortfall between defined contribution and defined benefit plans cannot be blamed entirely upon participants.
FORBES: A Nation on the Precipice: Our Failed Retirement System (October 12, 2007)
The point here is that the players should not be blamed entirely for the injuries taking place.
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The presidency said no individual group should be blamed for violence against women, which affects all communities.
And the longer they last, the less either side will want to be blamed for wrecking them.
Now, we have begun to take collective decisions so I alone will not be blamed for them.
Moreover, the growth of two-income households cannot be blamed for the relative contraction of the labor force.
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Lawmakers have eschewed limits on authority out of fear that they would be blamed if another attack occurred.
FORBES: The Sheep Stop Here: Another Church Committee or Full Review of Privacy Laws Needed?
If America and the world now suffer a recession it seems sure to be blamed on the terrorists.
The Dutchman feels he should not be blamed for the troubles at Spurs, or the departure of Berbatov.
Nor can Indonesia's economic malaise be blamed, since the Moluccas have been relatively unaffected by Asia's financial turmoil.
And neither side wants to be blamed by seniors (read: major voting block) for delaying social security payments.
In America, some of this can be blamed on teething problems at the new Department of Homeland Security.
That may not be fair: if civil servants did simply botch the calculations, ministers can hardly be blamed.
After all, if we do nothing we cannot reasonably be blamed for anything.
BBC: A Point of View: Party activists should escape the herd
President Clinton said the banks should not be blamed, adding that the situation highlighted the need for closer co-operation.
The MPAA cannot be blamed for its "take-no-prisoners" approach, he said, as it is only acting in its self-interest.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has said no-one can be blamed for gas igniting from a fractured pipe.
He does not want to be blamed for restarting a crisis that he has just been praised for solving.