If only this could be brought under control, he says, the leavers would return.
Evil is epitomized by these greedy and selfish forces that must be brought under control to serve common interests.
This has to be brought under control, or else consumers will retreat.
Dr Cleaveland believes the disease can be brought under control if governments and international agencies make money available to fund vaccination programmes.
Donor nations and organisations insisted that the free-for-all be brought under control.
We want the situation there to be brought under control, right?
The extent to which illegal fishing can be brought under control will also have a big impact on whether the population has a chance of recovering.
"This energy crisis will not spiral out of control or be brought under control by what happens to the Snake River dams, " said Scott Bosse of Idaho Rivers United.
The fire in Comayagua, about 100km (60 miles) north of the capital Tegucigalpa, broke out late on Tuesday night and took more than an hour to be brought under control.
"Diminishing confidence on the part of investors that deficits will be brought under control would likely lead to sharply rising interest rates on government debt and, potentially, to broader financial turmoil, " he said.
Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said spending had to be brought "back under control" or the "poorest in society will fare the worst".
It must be firmly resisted because such a course would reignite inflation, only recently brought under control.
Even if the nuclear accident is brought under control swiftly, and the release of radiation turns out not to be large enough to damage public health, this accident will have a huge impact on the nuclear industry, both inside and outside Japan.
If Mr Zarqawi could now be captured or killed, it might go some way to convincing Iraqis that the uprising is finally being brought under control.